Mic Drop

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The lunch was surprisingly comfortable. You two talked about work and some personal stuff making you feel a little closer to your boss. Nothing romantic, just friendly kind of close.

You two were on your way back to the office when Jimin said "Next week there's an art conference on Czech. I need a fresh perspective so you'll be coming with me"

You were shocked to say the least. He always bring your colleague to every art conferences he went to so you were definitely not expecting it. But who are you to resist? It's Czech Republic! Another country! So you agreed enthusiastically. You get to travel and work at the same time. Who wouldn't want that?

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You immediately work when you arrived at the office. You're currently restoring a painting from 1950s so it requires absolute concentration and gentle hands. You felt like minutes have just passed when you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder.

You were faced with your smiling colleague when you twirl your head.

"You're seriously a workaholic. It's 7pm! You're working overtime when nobody asked you to. Come on, let's go home"

If it's anyone else that disturbed your work, you would've punch them in the face. But since it's your closest workmate, and literally an angel. You gave in.

"Fine fine. Just one last detail." You said turning to the painting again

"Noooooo. It's getting late, and I'm hungry." He said, pouting

"And that's my problem because?" You asked, half teasing

"Because you'll be having dinner with me! Come on Y/N. I don't want to eat alone"

And since you can't say no to the ball of energy you nodded then said "Alright. If only you'll be treating me." while cleaning your stuff

"Of course! Why would I even make my favorite workmate pay?" He said immediately making you snort

"Whatever Hoseok. Let's go."

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Only 3 days left til your flight, Of course you have to get the perfect shots to post on your social media account so you started to mix and match your clothes to decide which pieces you'll pack. And who's take the photos? Well. You'll just have to ask a kind hearted stranger to take one for you.

You were so excited, mixing and matching your clothes then trying them on when a ring from your phone stopped you from wearing another ensemble.

You answered immediately upon seeing the caller.

"Hey there sisteeeeeeeer" your bestfriend chimed whilst there are loud music on the background. You're not surprise anymore, it's perfectly normal for her to be partying on weekdays. Doesn't stop you from worrying for her ass though.

You checked the time. 12:45am

"Seriously B/F/N, just donate your liver if you don't want it anymore." You said

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