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"You're a what?"

"A warlock. Sorcerer, mage, enchanter, wizard, whatever you wanna call it. Just not magician, I'm gonna be offended"

You were silent, trying to process his revelation. You weren't too shocked to be honest. But still it left you speechless.

"Do you know what a stable boy is?" He asked out of nowhere

You nod your head slowly. "They take care of the horses. Right?"

"Yes. There was once a stable boy, he lives at a palace since his parents work for a family of royalty. He grew up at the extravagant place, seeing flashy royalties dressed like there's no tomorrow, they have layers and layers of clothing and the amount of gold and diamonds on there body is breathtaking. Also, there's always feasts. It has so much food that it can probably feed the whole nation.

But never did he experience any of it, never did he worn a piece of garment that has even just silk in it. Never did he took even a bite at the food that's on the feasts' table..

He only have 3 sets of clothing, the fabric is just enough to give him a small warmth in winter's time. He also just have a pair of shoes, worn out. He can't buy a new one even if he wanted to because they can't afford it. And while the family their serving is sleeping in a room covered with fancy ornaments, his family and him sleeps on the underground of the palace. Just a foam to lay down to, and a thin piece of fabric for a blanket.

But even though his life was hard, it was bearable. Because his family is with him. They're together. They give warmth to each other when it's cold, and they have each other when the time gets rough. He was a tad bit jealous of the lavish life, just because he wanted to give his a family a better life. A life where they won't be needing to work their ass off every single day."

You just stayed silent, listening to his story.

"One day his mother asked him to buy a sack of potatoes for there will be another feast at the palace. His mom was the head chef per se. Of course he obeyed his mother's orders. Before going out of the palace he saw his father cleaning the dining area and his sister helping him. He bid them goodbye and went to his way.

After 2 hours of walking, he arrived at the market. Bought the potatoes immediately then walked back to the palace again.

When he arrived at the palace, it felt different. It's suddenly too quiet for his liking. So he walked as silent as he can with the sack over his shoulder. He went straight to the dining area.."

His voice suddenly croaked a little. Making you anxious of what happened next.

"And there he saw his father and sister.. sprawled on the floor, covered with blood. He ran to them in an instant, trying to feel their pulse. But.. there's none. He then went his way to the kitchen area.

The scene at the hallway was horrible, the place was covered with blood. Bodies after bodies are scattered on the floor. Bodies of the persons he knew since he was a kid, bodies of the persons who gave him a piece of bread when he's hungry, bodies of the persons who taught him how to fight to defend himself and even bodies of the ones they're servicing.

He was shaking when he arrived at the kitchen. He was hoping that everything was just a dream, that it's just a nightmare. That was until he saw his mother, lifeless.."

You saw how Yoongi's breathing turned ragged. You can almost feel how hard it is for him.

"You don't have to continue" You whispered, gently laying your hands on his.

"But I have to. I want to" He said looking at your eyes.

You nodded, you're about to take your hands off him when he hold it by his other hand then started to draw circles on it using his finger. He sighed then continued

"His life disappeared in an instant. He was even accused of massacring all the people in the palace. When the other royal families heard of it, they immediately ordered for him to be arrested and in that time, if you were arrested you're going to have your head chop off at the center of the town. So even though hasn't made a proper burial for his family, he ran off. With just his family photo album with him."

Yoongi closed his eyes and breathed deeply then continued to draw on you hand.

"T-that's horrible.. so what happened to y-him after that?" you asked

"He ran to the forest. Away from the town, away from everything, Or that's what he thought.. like a saving grace, he saw a shelter then knocked on it, hoping to get even just a glass of water but nobody answered. He tried to open the door, luckily it's unlock.

Upon opening he saw that the house was relatively new. Everything you need in a house is there. Table, chair, there's even a fireplace. He looked if there's anybody in the cabin but there's no one. So he immediately helped himself with a glass of water.

He also saw that there's food at the table, and even though it's not a good manner to eat someone else's food, he ate. His stomach is rumbling because he hasn't eaten for 2 whole days.

After getting his fill, he decided to heat up the fireplace to get just a little warm then he'll go on his way. But his tiredness got the best of him.

When he woke up, he's laying on the bed. He smelled something delicious making him get off the bed. When he went out the room, there's a man cooking at the kitchen. He asked the boy to sit on the dining area and fed him. He didn't even asked why the boy looked filthy.

They just ate in silence. And after the meal, the man gave the boy new sets of clothing that looked expensive and asked the boy to take a bath.

To cut the long story short, the man took the boy on his wing, he became his  family. He knew everything there is to know about the boy. He also taught the boy everything he knows, he gave the boy everything he needs and even more. He even registered the boy as his son.

After a few years, he asked the boy if he wanted to be more powerful, to seek for the murderer, to avenge his family. Of course the boy wanted that more than anything. He gave the boy something he wouldn't even think of having...
powers and magic.

But the boy didn't know that with that present, he also became an immortal. Extending his pain for eternity."

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