Airplane pt. 2

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After the lunch, Jimin went back to sleeping making you slightly concern for him if he's feeling unwell.

You yourself is feeling a little stiff but it's not like you can ask a sleeping man to make way so you can stand and stretch right? So you just stretched your upper body. From your neck to your arms to your spine, the popping sound relieves your tension even though some say it's bad for the body.

"Tired?" Yoongi asked

You shook your head then said "Just feeling a little stiff" that earned you a smirk from the guy

"Need a hand?"

You don't know what came over you

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You don't know what came over you. But that's why you're currently facing the other side, with your back on Yoongi, trying to keep yourself moaning. It doesn't help that his hands are on you while whispering in your ears

"You like that hmm?"

"Y-yes" trying but failing to suppress another moan

"Do you want it harder?"

"Yes please. Ah."

"You have to be quiet princess. Or else other passengers will hear you"

You nodded your head and bit your bottom lip to shut your mouth. But his movements are extraordinary, it's like your body is an instrument and he knows how to strung your chords. He reached a spot that made you moan out loud that even Jimin in earphones shot his eyes open.

"What in the world?" He said snapping his eyes onto the two of you. You, who's face is flushed and clearly in the state of euphoria. That made Yoongi stopped what he's doing, it took you a lot to not whine on the loss of contact.

You just stared at Jimin, not knowing what to do or say.

"Well. Princess is feeling a little stiff so I've decided to help her out." Yoongi said so casually making Jimin's eyebrow arch

"And you're doing that here. On the plane?" He scoffed and stood up to walk towards the restroom.

Nobody uttered a word for a few minutes, then Yoongi said "What's wrong with me giving you a back massage in the plane?"

You shrug your shoulders. It was embarrassing to be seen by your boss half lidded with your mouth agape, but gosh did you feel light as a feather after Yoongi's administrations.

As you thanked him, the plane speaker beeped then the pilot announced that you'll be landing in a few minutes.

Jimin got back to his seat then plugged in his earphones again. Meanwhile you, you're preparing yourself for the land. Breathing deeply.

You felt the plane starting to descend, and as you were about to go on full panic mode but felt something placed on your head covering your ears. Then a soothing melody started.

Yoongi placed headphones on you, took your hand and started to draw circles that calmed you. It's a simple gesture, but it strangely warmed your heart.

As the plane nears to the ground, you can't help but realize how you're starting to be attached to the guy with a pair of cat like hypnotizing eyes.

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