Hluboká Castle

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When you opened your eyes, you're standing infront of a gigantic marble fountain. It has four levels with ecanthus leaf ornaments making the water flow down majestically.

"Wow" was the only thing you said

"Well if that wowed you, turn around." Namjoon said

You gasped out loud when you did because there stood a freaking beautiful Baroque style white castle with a subtle hint of gold on it.

Only when Namjoon took out his hand to ask for yours did you notice what you're wearing. A pale blue victorian dress with golden embellishment complete with corset and bustle that makes your waist singed and your boobies stand out more than any push up bra could.

You're also sporting a teardrop diamond necklace on your neck that's a size of the head of a spoon and you could feel your ears being pulled down by the earrings you're wearing

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You're also sporting a teardrop diamond necklace on your neck that's a size of the head of a spoon and you could feel your ears being pulled down by the earrings you're wearing. There's also a diamond rings on your finger.

You place your hands to his reluctantly then asked "Uhh. Is there some kind of a celebration?"

He just smiled at you making you notice what his wearing. Almost the same as what he's wearing infront of the clock when you met him, but this time in all white ensemble and the designs are a little more intricate.

He walked you towards the entryway of the castle where you saw dozens and dozens of people mingling in a humungous luxurious ballroom, all in similar clothing with you two.

The amount of jewels you saw was outstanding.

Is this what Yoongi meant by how ridiculous the ones with power boast their riches?

In contrast to the simple yet elegant facade of the castle, the inside shouts old money luster. From the floor to the ceiling, everything is in mahogany. There's a grand staircase at the middle with red carpet on it making you think that the queen or king would suddenly march down.

What caught your eyes are the exaggeratingly huge paintings that's about twice the size of the wall of your living room hanged to everyone to see. Naturally your thoughts flew to how many hours did it take for those masterpieces to be completed. Probably months? Even years.

Also you can't even count how many chandeliers are there.

Making you think about the boy who's sleeping beside you

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Making you think about the boy who's sleeping beside you. How he'd love all these antique chandeliers your seeing.

Suddenly a bell resounded the room making the conversations die down. Then a man shouted "Ladies and Gentlemen. The King, Queen and the Princess of the Hluboká."

And you got one right. That the staircase is where the royalties would be descending to.

But what surprised you was the Princess.

The princess was you.

She looked so regal, so well put together. You can't see any hint of the lady you saw on the field. What you see is a lady that embodies power, that even though she's not the prettiest girl in the room, her confidence is more than enough to turn and lure anyone in the room.

So different from you.

"Wow. We may be wearing the same thing but girl, she's rocking that more than I can." You joked when you were over the fact that you were a princess, on your past life.

Namjoon just laughed at what you said, rolling with you.

When the royal family arrived at the bottom of the staircase, they bowed down to everyone then the kind looking King thanked everyone for coming to the celebration and told them to enjoy the evening.

The Queen and the princess was just at the back smiling, a step away from the king when he spoke to the crowd.

Well she looked like she had a good family, that's a relief.

The feast then continued. Foods and drinks were brought out in a long table. Everyone is talking to another person, except for the princess who's subtly looking around the room.

And then her eyes went wide and a smile emerged from her face when she spotted the past Namjoon who's walking towards her.

"Can I have your first dance tonight, Princess Y/N?" He said while bowing a little and holding out his hand

"But of course sir." She said

They then hand in hand walked towards the center of the room where the orchestra you didn't see earlier begin to play a song where they danced gracefully to.

You glance at the crowd to see their reaction, and thankfully they looked pleased. Even the king and queen that's talking to a lady and man that's about the same age as them have a smile on their faces.

Few tunes left to the song, Namjoon twirled the princess and as the song ends he took his arm around her and she arched her head backwards.

Everyone clapped while the two bowed to them, still hand in hand.

After that, everyone's attention was back to the food and each other,  giving Namjoon and her have the chance to sneak out of the party.

You two followed them to a moonlit garden where they sat next to each other.

"Not that you don't always look beautiful, but you're absolutely breathtaking tonight M'Lady" He said making the lady blush

Her whole aura changed the instant they were away from the prying eyes of the visitors. She look more comfortable. More her.

"Why thank you Sir Namjoon." She said with a mischievousness on her tone.

He groaned then said "It fit my taste better when you just call me Namjoon, like before, M'Lady."

"Well. Because I didn't know that you were the heir for the crown that time Sir."

Wait. Heir?

"I beg you to stop calling me that M'Lady." He said then pouted making the lady giggle

"Only if you stop calling me M'Lady." She answered inching her chin upward, mocking seriousness

"Only if you'll allow me to call you mine." He said while taking her hand then kissed it.


She bit her lip, trying to stop a smile but she can't. She looked straight at his eyes then nodded "I thought you'd never asked."

And like all the chains that holding him back was cut, he took her to a tight embrace then inched his head back while taking his hand to hold her face.

They stare at each other's eyes under the moon and the stars then Namjoon whispered "I love you Y/N. I promise to love you now until the end of time." he slowly leaned towards her and gently kissed her lips.

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