Love is blind

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You thought that spending the whole afternoon whilst cuddling Yoongi in your tiny apartment couldn't get any better.

Until the doorbell rang and you opened it to see a pizza delivery man that you thought was mistaken at first since you didn't order anything then Yoongi walked out of the room, paid for it and took the pizza box from the guy.

You couldn't stop a big smile forming on your face when he placed it on the coffee table and opened the box, it's your favorite flavor!

You squealed while doing a little happy dance then sat on the floor, immediately taking a slice and putting it straight to your mouth.

You groaned in satisfaction when the flavor touched your tongue. You continued to take bite after bite, stuffing your face with it.

You looked at Yoongi to see if he's also eating. Your eyes shining so bright and your cheeks puffed filled with food, unconsciously attacking his heart.

He covered and uncovered his smiling face like a shy higschool boy then said "Oh what am I going to do with you Princess."

Yoongi stayed at your place that night

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Yoongi stayed at your place that night. You talked about everything and anything until midnight, you didn't even wanna sleep.

Your heart was finally whole again. You just didn't want it to end.

But you have work the next day. And although your boss would've understand if you went absent for a day, you don't want to.

Work is work, personal matter is personal matter. You don't want to blur the lines between the two.

So you slept, with your head on Yoongi's chest and your arms around his waist while his left arm is around yours.

You slept soundly that night, with Yoongi's breathing and heartbeat as a lullaby.

You slept with you heart mended, and a smile on your face.


The next morning, you woke up smelling something good. You sniffed and sniffed before opening your eyes.

When conciousness hit you, you immediately stood up and went to the kitchen, not even bothering to wash your face or brushing your teeth first.

You just wanted to make sure that it wasn't just a dream.

And there he was, his back was on you, on his grey sweatpants and his top bare. Cooking breakfast.

You basically ran towards him and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Hmmmm. Goodmorning to you too, Princess."

Oh how you missed this.

You snuggled into him more then said "Goodmorning"

Your voice is still hoarse, your hair sticking to every direction, you're probably a hot mess.

But you couldn't care less. You wanted to see him first.

"Go on, take a bath first Princess. I got our breakfast covered."


Your heart jumped with joy at that.

Before going to the bathroom, you snuck a peck on his right cheek then said "You are the best."

After the fastest shower of your life, you put on the prettiest work appropriate ensemble that you could find. You dried your hair and put on some makeup quickly.

You then speed walked to the dining area with your bag on your hand.

Yoongi was already sitted, sipping on his coffee. But the look he gave you when he saw you all dolled up, knowing that it's for him, made your throat ran dry.

Damn you Min Yoongi

"Why? What did I do?"

"Oh nothing. You're just looking at me like I'm something to eat." You feign confidence, rolling your eyes on the process.

He smirked when you sat infront of him. His eyes twinkled with mischievousness. He then placed his face on the palm of his right hand then said "Because you are, Princess."

Your face immediately heat up. Glaring at him, you took your fork and got some sausages. Exaggerating how to poked it to prove a point.

"Stop it you perverted turtle."

He then placed his hand on his chest that is still bare mind you.

Acting like his super offended on what you said. "First manther, now a perverted turtle? I just.. can't you see how you're breaking my heart here Princess?"

He pouted then said "Now you have to kiss it to bring the pieces back together." Making you choke on your food. You patted your chest, drank some water then glare at the man who's currently sporting a smug smile on his face.

Did he just tried to get some whilst being cute? Yes, he did. He most definitely did.

After the breakfast, he drop you off on your workplace and said that he'll be fetching you after your work. Before he went to his.

You were humming a happy tune while working on another antique painting when you heard someone cleared their throat.

Not forgetting to place your materials down before turning around. There stood your boss while leaning against the wall. His arms across his chesta and a smile on his plumped lips with an arch on his eyebrow.

"I'm guessing everything went well?"

You basically jumped out of the chair and ran towards him to give him a hug.

He was quite taken aback to say the least. But reciprocated your advances not long after.

"I don't know how to thank you enough Jimin."

"Oh-ho. We're still at work and yet you're calling me by my name?"

"Errrrr.. Sorry boss. It just slipped."

"Kidding! I'm happy to help. You two deserve each other, seriously. I actually contemplated on stealing you from him before, but when I saw you together I knew there wouldn't be a chance for me. So why bother."

You took a step back, just to see his face, to know if he's serious.

"What? Is it that unbelievable that the overly hot Park Jimin was attracted to Y/N?"

"Ugh stop it." You hit him playfully

"That was before I saw what you look like when you just woke up."

You release him from your loving embrace then hit him for real this time. "How dare you! Yoongi said I look beautiful even I haven't wash my face yet!"

He scoffed then said "You know what they say, Love is blind."

You kicked him on shin, extracting a wooping ouch from your boss then you went back to your work.

That is after flipping you hair, sending it straight to his face.

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