A light in the dark

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You're both back to the dark space. But thankfully there's a candle lamp and chairs now, allowing you to see the man seated infront of you.

"Kim Namjoon" You said with your own mouth. His name rolled off your tongue smoothly. Like you've said his name numerous times that you can't even count it.

"Kim Namjoon" You said. Testing the waters again. It kind of frustrates you how his name is so familiar to your tongue, to your body, soul and whole existence.

Just why?

"You'll know in the right time, Y/N. Let's take it slow hm? Your brain might burst if we let you remember everything at the same time."

"Wait... you can hear me?"

"Of course I can, I'm not deaf." He said while his left eyebrow arching

"You know what I mean." You said

He chuckled, letting his adorable dimples be seen "Yes. But just here in this space so don't worry."

This guy like to chuckle a lot eh? Are you showing off your dimples?

He chuckled again "Hmm. I can say that you're the cause of it."

"Why? Do I look like a clown to you?" You huffed then crossed your arms on your chest

"No. It's just that.. whenever I see you before, it's from the memories. Now that I'm talking to you face to face, it feels unreal, it's like a dream to me." He said with so much sincerity in his voice while searching your eyes.

You cleared your throat then asked "So.. we met infront of the clock? That's why I fainted?"

"You could say that it's a part of it. Being close to the clock awakened the past you. The one you lost when you were reincarnated." He explained

"Even that is real?" You asked, dumbfounded

"What? You can believe that magic and immortal exists but not reincarnation?" He said while a smile is playing in his lips.

You just muttered a whatever.

"Wait.. so am I dead? Is that why you're making me remember my past life? You're probably the grim reaper. Oh my gosh. That totally made sense... Oh no. I have so many things I'd like to do in my life. So many things I haven't tried yet. So many food I haven't eaten. This can't beeeeee. How about the brunch my bestfriend owe me? How about my family?" You started to tear up while rambling dramatically

"You're not."

"I knew it! I'm no- wait. I'm not?" You look at him with elevated brows

"You're not dead Y/N. You're just sleeping right now. Speaking of that, you'd have to wake up now. Or your friends would continue to be worried about you." He said with reluctance and gentleness in his eyes

You nodded "Okay... Will we be able to meet again?"

Your question made him smile. Like full on, genuine smile that reached his eyes. "Soon my little daisy."

You first felt the extremely soft mattress beneath you then a hand clasp to yours making you flutter your eyes open to see Yoongi looking at you with glossy eyes

"Princess? Princess can you hear me?"

When nodded your head gently, he took your hand that his holding and held it with both hands then kissed your knuckles again and again.

"I thought I lost you, like really lost you. I can't even hear your thoughts. We even tried to wake you up using magic but nothing happened. You don't know how scared I was Princess." He said with a tremor in his voice.

You took you hand to hold his face. "Ssshhh.. I'm here now. Im here now."

And just like that was the confirmation he needed that you were indeed alive, safe and unharmed. He layed on the bed in an instant whilst bringing you body close to his, hugging you tightly with your side glued to his chest and his head on your shoulder.

The door to your room opened revealing the boys with Taehyung. They literally sighed in relief when they saw you conscious.

"Noona. You scared the shit out of us." Jungkook said while sitting at the free side of the bed.

"Yeah. What happened Y/N?" Jimin asked

"Good to see you're awake Noona. Jungkook called me as soon as you fainted, I have to say it's a call that I never really wanted to receive again." He said with a pout

So I have two dongsengs now who's technically older than me eh? Oh wait...

"I'm sorry for worrying you guys.. I didn't know what happened to me either. Low sugar level perhaps?" You said while Yoongi is still clutching on you like he's scared you'll disappear if he take his arms off you.

They didn't buy it. They know there's something more to it but they just let it be for now. For now it's more than enough that you're conscious and breathing.

The boys left you two quickly to rest.

It was silent, it was exactly the silence that you needed. You rolled to face Yoongi, you know he's not yet asleep but his eyes are close granting you a chance to just stare at his face for a while.

Just before you were about to fall asleep. Yoongi pecked your forehead then whispered "I love you Y/N." making you feel butterflies in your stomach

I love you too, Yoongi.

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