The reason

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A shiver went through your body. What could she possibly want with Yoongi?

You felt your blood started to heat up. There's no way in hell, or under the sea rather, they're laying even a finger on your precious Yoongi.

You wanted to protest. You wanted to grab her hair and fight her no matter how glorious she looked.

You won't let them hurt him.

But with a twirl of her finger, your body started to feel a lot heavier. You lid started to drop.

No.. I have to protect Yoon-

Before you even had the chance to ask her, your body succumbed to a dreamless slumber.


When you opened your eyes you're laying on the seaweed bed and not floating like you used to. You're also not inside a bubble which made you sigh in relief and weirded out at the same time.

You thought that it was the bubble made it possible for you to breath.

You also felt that it's easier to move. You don't feel restrained but you feel thoroughly wet. It's the exact feeling of being inside the pool or the sea, minus the heavy weight.

Quickly sitting up on the bed. You started to think of a plan on how to get away from the mess you haven't really had the chance to know about. The whole situation was still confusing to you, they wanted Yoongi. But why?

Okay first step, look for the beautiful maiden. Whoever she may be.

You gingerly stood up from the bed making the hem of the dress you're wearing fall to the floor.

Wait. Dress?

With wide eyes, you snap your head downwards.

You're now wearing an overly intricate designed pearl dress that shows a lot of your skin. It's breathtakingly gorgeous, making you swipe a gentle hands on it.

You don't even want to think about how they changed your outfit.

But thankfully they didn't change you to a shell bra like what you always see on mermaid movies at the early 2000s, you'd go ballistic.

The dress was a fitted from your bust until your hips and it flares from there.

You walked gently to the door, if walking is what you call it

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You walked gently to the door, if walking is what you call it. It felt like stepping and floating at the same time. Your feet is not really touching the ground but the motion moves you forward.

Upon opening the door, you're greeted by a familiar face. And instead of a pair of feet, he's sporting a golden fishtail.

Your eyes went wide, your mouth agape.

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