Dark brown irises

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You were extra quiet when you came back to the dark room. Because not only you and Namjoon had a thing in the past, but you also loved each other deeply. Even a fool could see it in the way they looked at each other.

What bugs your mind though is, is he still inlove with you?

He looked at you upon the trail of your thoughts.

"I can't give you all the answers you wanted to know just yet.. but one thing is absolute. I didn't stop loving you Y/N. Well the past you, that's still somewhere there inside."

Your eyes wandered towards the man who's still inlove with the same girl for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Where he stands break your heart, even though you don't know how their love story ended just yet. But you didn't want to give him false hope either.

"But I already have someone.." You said gently.

He smiled sadly "I know.. And he's waiting for you to wake up now. I'll see you again soon little daisy."

You woke up with a jolt, sitting up gasping for air. Your eyes was still hazy when you felt hands on your face.

You squinted your eyes and your vision slowly cleared making you see the man you love searching for your eyes looking distressed and relieved at the same time.

"Are you okay Princess?" The rawness of the emotions in his voice tugged your heart.

You nodded then held his hands that's holding you face.

"Princess.. I don't mean to intrude nor pressure you that's why I've been patiently waiting for you to tell me what's going on instead of asking about it every minute of the day like I wanted to do. But it's hard not to when you slept like dead again." You saw pain and fear in his eyes.

You took his hands and placed it on your lap while holding onto them tightly. "I.. I was going to tell you but even I myself don't know much before. That's why I kept it from you.. but I will tell you everything I know now."

You told him the entire story. From the moment you fainted infront of the clock where you were first brought to the dark room, to meeting a warlock who's helping you to retrieve your past memory, to knowing that you're a princess your past life. He patiently listened to every details you said, not cutting you off even for a second. He was just nodding, encouraging you to pour out everything you know.

"Also, there's a man that I was inlove with and loved me at that lifetime.." you started gently, you dreaded to tell him this part of the story but you know you needed to.

He just looked at you, waiting for the next thing you're going to say.

"And he's the warlock from the dark room." You whispered slowly while looking at your intertwined fingers because you're scared to look at his face. You fear about what he'll think. You yourself don't even know what to think after last night's revelations.

But his reaction totally caught you off guard.

Instead of being furious, he leaned in towards you then placed his forehead on yours, making you snap your eyes at his dark brown irises that is literally inches away from yours.

"Thank you. Thank you for telling me Princess."

You inched your head backwards "You're.. not mad?"

Is this what the calm before the storm feels like?

He shook his head then said "I don't like what's happening. We don't even know what he wants from all of these. But, if retrieving your memories is what you want and you trust that he won't do you any harm. Then, who am I to stop you. We'll think of how to find this guy but for now, let me just hold you. It could've been worse princess.. I was already thinking of the worst possible scenario."

"And that is..?"

"You suddenly disappearing from my side. From my life." He whispered.

The way he's coping with everything that's happening because of what he feels for you overwhelmed you that tears were suddenly threatening to fall from your eyes.

"How.. what did I do to deserve someone like you?" Your voice croaking.

You've never met someone who loves you this much. You both didn't even know what will happen next but still, he decided to put his whole trust in you.

"That's what I've been asking myself everyday, Princess.. And I promise, you are not alone in this, I'm with you."

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