A mess

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You blinked once.. twice.. thrice..

Did he just pulled a Narnia too? Does that mean....

"Yes princess. He's immortal too." Yoongi said, answering your thoughts making Jungkook look at him, surprised

"Don't look at me like that. You just bursted out of a closet, You fool." He continued

He's an immortal too? Well.. if he's close with Yoongi that he even went to his house, that's not so surprising. And looking at the lad now, his flawless face, his muscular body justifies that he can't be just a mere human.

"So you already knew M'Lady? I see. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it but now is not the right time. We have to leave. Now." Jungkook said

Yoongi looked at him then nodded. Clearly he read Jungkook's mind.

"Princess, trust me hm?" He said while kneeling infront of you.

"But.. how about Jimin?"

You're worried because:

A. He's your boss and he's going to be super confused if you suddenly disappear like that.

B. He's Yoongi's friend too. If you're in danger, he might be too.. right?

Wait.. he's Yoongi's friend.. could he be possibly-

"Jimin? Park Jimin? What's he doing here?" Jungkook asked with so much confusion on his face.

Yoongi groaned then said "He's Princess' boss."

Jungkook looked stunned, his doe eyes opened wider and his mouth fell apart too. With his reaction, you grew more curious as to whatever happened between Jimin and Yoongi even more.

"We have to get him too then. Or warn him. If he's still here if they arrived.." Jungkook said making Yoongi groan again

"Fine fine. I'll warn him. You prep Princess for the trip."

Trip? Prep?

With that, he went out of the room. Leaving you and Jungkook alone. You wanted to ask so bad what's happening, who's coming. But you know that it's not the time.

He clapped his hands once, getting your attention "Okay princess. Have you done any exercises? Doesn't have to be high intensity. Yoga or something?"


The whole situation confuses the shit out of you. You nodded your head then said "Yes. I did a little yoga and pilates. A little high intensity workouts too.. but what does that have to do with this?"

"Great! Because the feeling after transporting for the first time is like doing an HIIT workout, for the first time. Your heart rate will increase rapidly so you'll feel hot. Not to mention, queasy. You'll have to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You may feel a little suffocated, just a little. But don't panic, we're here. And whatever happens, don't take your hand away from ours. Okay?" He said sternly.

Where's the playful boy you met?

"Okay." You said.

Then the door to your room opened wide! Revealing two Arnold Schwarzenegger looking guys. Not technically the look, but their physic. But they're bigger, not in a good way. They look like they inject steroids for fun. The one to the right has a sandy blonde hair and the left one has black.

Jungkook suddenly tensed then stood up infront of you, serving his body as a wall. And looking at the difference of their appearance makes you scared for the boy.

The guys smirked then the guy with the blonde hair crossed his arms to his chest "Little boy. I didn't thought I'd see you here. And who's the beautiful girl behind you?" He said. Saying that you're panicking at the moment is an understatement.

"That's none of your business." Jungkook said with clenched jaw.

The two chuckled then the black haired guy said "Where's Yoongi? Did escaped already? Leaving you here?"

Jungkook remained silent.

"I don't think so. He can't just leave his brother knowing we're coming here.. Where is he Jungkook?" The blond haired guy said, slowly walking towards the two of you while the other one closed the door.

"As if I'm gonna tell you." Jungkook said.

The steroid boys cracked their heads and their hands then the blond guy said in a low tone "Oh you will."

Just before the blondie swung a fist on Jungkook which he thankfully dodged, he pushed you towards the wall of the room.

The blondie swung his fist again, now hitting Jungkook a little on his side. While the other guy is walking to the other side of the room, probably to get to you. He won't be able to do that easily because there's a bed in between. And you won't back down without a fight.

Jungkook and blondie got into a more dangerous dance with their fist, you were quite surprised that he's strong enough to take and give the other guy strong blows.

The black haired guy is slowly starting to cross the bed making you panic even more.

What the fuck is taking Yoongi so long?

You look around to see if there's something you could use as a weapon. Luckily there's a bed lamp right beside you.

Sorry 5 star hotel

You yanked the lamp off it's cord then held it like a baseball bat making the raven hair laugh.

"Oohhhh. Is the pretty girl going to fight daddy?"

Daddy?! Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.

"Oh. No. I just like to hold lamps like this. It makes me feel pretty. Dumbass" you snarled sarcastically that surprising him and even yourself that you can throw such sarcasm in the given situation.

But that seems to encourage the man even more. He successfully crossed the bed and now walking slowly towards you with a smirk on his face.

You look at Jungkook but he's too preoccupied at the moment. Sounds of punches, panting, grunts and things being crashed filled the room.

Min Yoongi!! Get your freaking ass here!

When the guy is a about two feet away from you, you swung the lamp straight to his face leaving the man slightly stunned. The lamp was wrecked but it didn't look like it hurt the guy. He just took a moment to regain himself then smirked again.

"Fiesty. I like it."

He took your wrist in an unbelievably tight grip that made you screech. Then easily grabbed your hair because of his height, he grabbed it so tight making you dangle about 10 inches from the ground.

You screamed but even in pain, you didn't give up. You kick him in the groin making him grunt. You then punch him in the face, making his grip on you loosen.

You fell to the ground and was about to run when he slapped you full force on the face making you to the closet.

Your body went limp, it feels like it's been shot everywhere. You tried to get up but failed.

If this is the day you'll die.. there's one person you wanted see before you go.

Yoongi. Where are you?

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