Pet name

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It doesn't take a genius to know you're a little out off it. Because

1. You were about to fry egg with vinegar instead of oil.

2. The egg was over cooked borderline getting burnt

Thankfully Yoongi was keeping an eye on you so it's all good. He offered to do the cooking and made you sit.

After the breakfast he insisted to wash the dishes then forced you to do nothing so you just sat on your sofa, gazing at nothing in particular.

Then Yoongi suddenly crouched down infront of you, took both of your hands making you snap back to reality.

With a soft look on his eyes he said "Princess, it just occurred to me we've been together for almost two months now but I haven't taken you out.. Would you.. go on a date with me?" then bit his lower lip.

Is he nervous?

You blinked once. Twice. Thrice.

You're basically together everyday but just like him being nervous, you can't help your heart to start beating fast. You could say yes in an instant. Heck you wanted to! But where's the fun in that?

"You did though. Once."

He titled his head, brow furrowing then asked. "Huh? When?"

"Yoongi Kepjjang Tour as you called it." You smirked at him. You made a mental note to tell the other boys about it, they'll love it for sure.

He whined then said "Dooon't. That's our secret. And technically that wasn't a date because we weren't together that time. So would you let me officially take you on a date?"

"Are you redeeming the wish I owe you now?" You smirked. Yoongi was always the one to tease you so you didn't know how fun it is until now.

He groaned "Noo. That's for when I'm in dire need for it." He said pouting

You giggled at his cuteness and couldn't resist to peck on his nose

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You giggled at his cuteness and couldn't resist to peck on his nose. "I would love to go on a date with you Yoongi."

You excitedly took a bath then checked your wardrobe for options on what to wear on your first date.

Usually it's dress to impress right? But then it's 8am in the morning and the sun's out so you won't be able to wear your full length oxblood dress that has a slit that's 6 inches above your knee so you put on a navy blue sundress instead.

You took your time doing your makeup. Nothing heavy but you made sure that everything's perfect. You curled your hair, clasped a gold necklace around your neck then wore a white strappy sandals and voila! Your look is done.

After 2 hours that is..

You went out of your room immediately searching for Yoongi

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You went out of your room immediately searching for Yoongi

"Yoongi! I'm ready!"


Oh maybe he's in the restroom

You knock on the door "Yoongi?"


Then your doorbell rang making you furrow your brows, you opened it immediately revealing Yoongi in a white and blue stripes shirt and a light blue pants.

You scanned him from head to toe, he doesn't usually wear colors but dang, does he look good in anything.

He smirked then took your hand to intertwine with his "You look beautiful Princess." He said making you bite back a smile.

"Thank you. You're not bad yourself Yoongi."

Yoongi's been driving for quite awhile now, you've asked him multiple times where you're going but instead of answering your question he just smiled at your "impatience" as he called it.

"But Princess. Why do you call me just Yoongi?"

"Well.. because.. it's your name?" You answered him unsure where this discussion is going

"But I call you Princess. My princess.."

"I didn't really asked you to.." you said making him give you a side glance and a knowing smile. You then remembered the time when he called you by your name, he felt cold, distant.

You sighed "Fine.. so you wanted a pet name too?"

He nodded his head enthusiastically making you giggle

"Okay how about.. Yoonki Min?"

He groaned "You just Americanized my name."

"Uhhhh.. Sugar?"

He snapped his head towards you "Where the hell did that came from?"

"Well.. you do have a skin as white as a white sugar and your smile is uhm.. sweet too?"

"No. Next."

"How about Suga?"

He thought for awhile then said "Not bad. But also not good for a pet name."

"Min Suga genius jjang jjang man bbong bbong?"

He looked at you with narrowed eyes "Can you seriously call me that every time? If yes then be my guest."

"Agust D?"

"Oh I love the sound of that. But no, why the hell would you call your boyfriend Agust D?"

You groaned. You know it's not a big deal but it means something to him but you just can't think of anything that can replace his name.

"How about Grandpa?" You said, holding back a laughter

"Are you serious?"

"Hmm. Turtle?"

"Really.. there's about 4,600 species of amphibian and 6,000 of reptiles. Yet you want to call me turtle?"

"Why not? Turtles are cute.."

He scoffed, totally unimpressed.

"Fine. Last one, take it or leave it."

"Okay let's hear it."

"How about little meow meow?"

And that's when Yoongi accepted the fact that you'll forever call him by what you prefer to, his name.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


I apologize for the shitty chapter. I promise tha next one would be better! 😬

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