Waterproof mascara

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After the fulling and surprisingly delicious breakfast, you felt that you're head is all better. And since there's no throbbing on your head to distract you now, your curiousity got the best of you.

The only thing that has your attention is the man who insisted to wash the dishes still in just boxers while his back is on you. You took it as a chance to check his back side out while still sitting on the dinning area.

His lean back directly in front of you. Flawless skin, you can swear that he's more flawless than you. And with every movement he's making while scrubbing the plates, he's muscles would show. Like it's teasing you. Making you want to see more.

Hmm. I'd love to hug that back, I bet it feels good. And oh, I'd love to slide my fingers on that arms and- OMG! STOP IT Y/N!!

To stop your train of not so good thoughts-that's getting worse, you decided that small talk is the answer.

"So. Do you live here alone?"

He hummed "mhmm" to answer you.

"Isn't it lonely though?"

"Hmm.. I'm used to it. I guess" he answered. Now finished with the cleaning, he turned around to face you while spreading both of his arms on the counter on his back, body leaning on it. Displaying his lean sculpted body in front of you.

This bastard

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This bastard

You gulped and diverted your eyes to anywhere but the guy infront of you.

"What about you princess, where do you live?"

There we go with the princess again

"And why would I tell you that?" You answered slowly looking at him, straight to his eyes so you wouldn't be distracted.

"Well, I'd like to give you a ride. But you're welcome to stay here if you want to. I don't mind having company anyway." He said then smirked

You were flabbergasted. You opened your mouth then closed it then opened it again. Actions mimicking a fish.

He smiled, place up his right hand, signaling you to wait. He went to the room you slept in then returned to his place in front of you.

"Here" He said while giving you your phone.

"As much as I adore you looking like that, I can't assure that other people will. So I suggest you shower first before I take you to your house."

You furrowed your eyebrows, you've been doing it a lot since you've met the guy.

What is he talking about?

You used your phone as a mirror, the image made you gasped aloud. Saying that your hair's a mess is an understatement. It's sticking at every direction. Your masacara that claimed waterproof is smudged making you look like a panda. Let's not talk about the the situation with lipstick that you oh-so-love.

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