Fire ball

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Your train of thoughts were cut when someone suddenly emerged in the middle of the road. Like he just appeared out of nowhere a few feet from the car making you scream.

Luckily, Yoongi stepped on the break immediately so there's no blood spilled. Or so you thought.

The car stopped just a hair away from where the guy stand. Suddenly, everything was silent. It's like time was frozen and you're wearing earplugs that the sounds are muffled. The only thing you can hear clearly is your breathing.

One breath.. two breath.. three breath..

You were just looking at the guy, trying to comprehend in your little mundane mind how is it possible for someone to just appear. Trying to make sense out of what happened. But what you realized next took it to another level.

I-is he the guy from the bar?! But h-how..

The insuperable situation made your spine tingle, in a bad bad way. Alerting you that this is not a normal type of danger.

Then Yoongi talked.

"Princess, I'm going to have a little chat with our friend over there. You have to promise me to not go out of this car whatever happens okay?"

You stiffened then looked at him like he's crazy, You grabbed his wrist then shook your head aggressively.

No. Don't.

He sighed, placed his hand on top for yours then leveled his gaze to yours.

"Do that for me hmm?"

You don't know what's gotten into you, you bit your lower lip while slowly loosening your grasp on him then slowly nodded like you're in a trance.

He smiled then patted you hair and the next thing you know is Yoongi's fist came in contact with the guy's face for the second time that night. You can't hear what they're saying but Yoongi looked furious while the guy is laughing maniacally. You've never seen him look so dangerous like that, like he would kill the man.

And he would. If you weren't there.

The dangerous dance lasted for just about 5 mins but Yoongi didn't left untouched. He recieved some blow but not more than what he gave. You can just watch from the inside while trying your best to not let the guilt consume you.

It's my fault. This is my fault.

Why is he fighting so hard? Why.. did everything turns to this? Just why.

Those were your thoughts while seeing the commotion outside.

And just when you thought it could not get worse, The guy flicked his fingers then Yoongi suddenly levitated about 5 feet then was thrown to the ground. It's like your eyes are playing tricks on you.


Yoongi got up then looked at the panicking mess that you are then bit his lower lip like he's making a big decision right then and there.

The guy, now bloody, Strodes towards Yoongi while smirking.

Yoongi looked at the guy then looked at you. Then looked at the guy, then looked at you again. He opened both of his palm up upwards then looked at you for the last time before ball of fires emerged on his hands.

 He opened both of his palm up upwards then looked at you for the last time before ball of fires emerged on his hands

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Then everything turned white, like the sun decided to grace you with his presence.

When everything turned back into normal, you saw Yoongi walking towards the car then the darkness slowly claimed you.

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