Surprise Surprise

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The night ended with the two bickering like an old grumpy married couple and you standing in the middle of them like the daughter that's saving their marriage.

They even fought for who's going to pay for the dinner when the bill was given. While the staff is waiting at the side of your table. How immature can they be, right?

To shut them both, you paid for it which ended bruising the ego of the two. Which you honestly don't care about at the moment.

Because boy did they tired you out. It's a good thing there's nothing in your work schedule for tomorrow so you can wake up a little later to rest a little more.

You're currently in your room wearing your satin pajama, makeup off and sprawled on the bed watching replays of The Vampire Diaries through your laptop while ignoring Yoongi that's been trying to get your attention since you're back in your room.

"Til when are you going to give me a silent treatment Princess?"

You didn't say anything and just placed all your attention to the oh-so-delicious man at your screen. Damon Salvatore, of course. You let your thoughts flow at how his body looks like a freaking art piece, he should be displayed at a museum. And how his voice sounds so dangerously delicious.

Yes. To annoy Min Yoongi.

"Princesssss. It's not like it's my fault. He started it." He whined

But you're not going to let it go that easy. Nope. You're going to stand your ground. And you're not just giving Yoongi a cold shoulder, Jimin too.

When he wished you goodnight before you get in your room, you just nodded at him. Well because yes, he's still your boss. And you don't want to be suddenly jobless.

"Princessssssssss. I swear it's his fault. We shouldn't have dine with that mother f- "

"That mother fucker is my boss. And it so happens to be your friend too." You said while not sparing him even a glance.

"But he touched you the way that I should be the only one allowed to. And I was supposed to be the first one to see the way you look tonight. I was supposed to be the one who's giving you flowers and telling you how beautiful you look as soon as you opened the door. But he beat me to it." He said while pouting

Now how the hell are you going to continue to be "mad" if he's being so cute and pouty

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Now how the hell are you going to continue to be "mad" if he's being so cute and pouty. It's so not fair!

No Y/N. Stand your ground. Don't let his cuteness affect you.

But of course, he heard your thought. Seeing this as a chance of earning your forgiveness, he continued his pursuit of being cute.

"Princesssss. Please. I'm sorry." He said, exaggerating his pout while shrugging your arm.

How can you resist him when he's being such a baby? You groaned then looked at him "you wanna talk? Fine. First, would you rather me crashing my face to the ground rather than Jimin holding me? Second, it's just flowers Yoongi. He's just being a gentleman. And lastly, is it his fault that he got here earlier than you?"


"No.. Fine. I totally messed up today.. and maybe I  just released my aggravation to him.." he said, suddenly looking seriously sad.

You were about to tell him that he didn't messed up when he took his hand and tucked your hair on your ear then said "Let me make it up to you Princess."

"What do you have in mind?" You said, looking at him with furrowed brows. There's just mischievousness in his eyes that made you nervous.

"This." He said then hovered on top of you, making you take a sharp breath.


"Sshh Princess. Let me take care of you.." he purred while slowly leaning in. Making you look at his pink moist lips. You were feeling his breath on yours and he stayed there for what feels like awhile, teasing you.

And as he was about to cease the gap between you two..


The closet suddenly opened making Yoongi jump at whatever it is.

Then you heard a groan "Ugh. Hyung seriously? Why the hell did you do that?"

Huh? Hyung?

"You should've called before just appearing out of nowhere! I was about to punch the shit out of you Jungkook! Wait.. I should still do it, you freaking mood killer." Yoongi roared

Jungkook? What?

"Ohhh.. am I interrupting something again?"

Yoongi stood up, revealing the man. That was once a red head, now it's a dark brown color that seems to bring out his shinny big doe eyes.

He changed his hair?

"Hello there M'Lady. You're more beautiful than when I first saw you."

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