The tunnel

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To say that the transporting was not the way you expected it is an understatement. You thought it's going to be like walking through a tunnel that's a whirlwind of colors. But no, it's actually the opposite.

It's like you're suddenly sucked into a blackhole. There's no light of whatsoever, it's like you're suddenly blind. You don't hear anything, not your breathing, not even your heartbeat. You can't feel the solid ground, it's like you're floating in the air. You know that you're holding onto Yoongi tightly but you're senses was lulled aside from the constant tightening of your chest.

It was like forever when you felt ground beneath your feet again. And when you did, you placed your hand to your chest, gasping for air. Because everything Jungkook warned you about is rapidly happening.

Your heart rate suddenly blasted and the throbbing in your head felt worse than your hungover on freshman years when you would drink the whole night then wake up after sleeping for just 3 hours.

When you felt the queasiness starting to take over, you pushed Yoongi with the remaining energy you have.


You suppressed it until Jungkook opened the door to it. When he did, You immediately put your head over the bowl and brawled your guts out that you didn't even feel someone holding your hair away from your face until he rubbed your back lightly.

When you can't withdraw any longer, you flushed the toilet then sat on the floor.

You sat there, sweats on your forehead. You breath deeply for a few minutes, gathering yourself then you look at your surrounding to see the three guys looking at you with a frown. Yoongi was crouching next to you.

"I-uh.. Sorry for that." You whispered, suddenly embarassed.

"Don't be. It's hard for us warlocks to undergo through it the first time, we can't imagine how it is for a mundane." Yoongi said while wiping your sweat off with a towel

"Come on Y/N. Let's treat your wounds.." he continued


It's probably the second time you've heard him call you by the name. You were so used to the pet name he calls you that when he suddenly called you by the name it made you feel odd.

You breathe deeply then attempted to stand, but you fail to do so. The tiredness from going to the art convention and from the fight, not to mention the emotional roller coaster you've been through the day was taking a toll on you.

Yoongi gently carried you then as soon as he laid you to the bed, Jungkook placed an emergency kit on the bedside table and sat on the side of the other side of the bed to give Yoongi enough space to tend to you while Jimin is standing at the foot of the bed.

"I know this sounds really crappy with everything you've been through today but.. are you okay?" He said with so much gentleness in his voice that you've never heard before.

You saw Jungkook clenched his jaw but surprisingly Yoongi was not giving him any reaction. He was just preparing the stuff to clean and treat your bruises and wounds.

You gave him the brightest smile you could muster to lighten up the mood just a little then said "Of course. I'm stronger than you think, boss"  earning a tight smile from him.

"Guys. You'll have to leave the room so that I'll be able to treat every single of Y/N's wound."

There's this Y/N again

You know the feeling when you do something bad then your parents heard about it? The they start to lecture you, calling you by your whole name. The way his calling you by the name made you feel exactly just like that.

They immediately listened to Yoongi. But before they went out, Jungkook turned to look at you then said "Get well soon Noona. Sleepwell. I promise to make you a delicious breakfast tomorrow."

You nodded then smiled at him "I'll hold you to that."

Then they left you two alone. You can feel that there's something wrong with the eeriness of Yoongi.

"I'm going to have to take your top and bottom off Y/N." He whispered

You know it's for medical purposes but you can't help but feel like your heart is going to burst with what he said. Thankfully you decided to wear a matching undies today.

Not trusting your voice, you nodded giving him the go signal.

He slowly unbutton your pajama top and slid your bottom off your body. He inhaled sharply upon seeing your undressed form. It's as if the bruise and the wounds on your face wasn't enough. There's a big bruise at your right rib cage area and there are a few at your arms and legs.

He silently applied creams on your bruises.The way he's looked at you make you feel like he's more in pain than you.

"I thought you would've been happy undressing and seeing me with just underwear on." You said, teasing him. Hoping to get the flirtiness out of him.

"Not like this Y/N. Not when you're looking like this.." he whispered.

You can't help but feel that he's closing himself from you more and more whenever he calls you by the name. You don't like it even a bit.

He finished tending to your body then dressed you. You can't help but look at his face when he's putting meds on your face.

"Can't you just do your magic to take the wounds away?" You asked curiously which he shook his head to.

"You've gone through more than enough magic for today, if we do that.. it might break you for real.."

Before he stood up after he's done with his work, you held his face with both of your hands then look straight to his eyes. You didn't even bothered to conceal your feelings, you just want to say what you're going to with your heart open. Hoping that it will give him comfort.

"It's not your fault Yoongi. Don't beat yourself up. It's those Arnold Schwarzenegger looking guys. They're the one who hurt me. Not Jungkook, Not Jimin. And not you."

"But I was late.. if I arrived a little earlier, this wouldn't happen to you. I wouldn't even let them lay even a finger on you.. but I came late...." You can see his eyes getting glossier in the minute.

" You can see his eyes getting glossier in the minute

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"But you still came. You saved me. I'm alive because of you.. so don't shut yourself out from me please."

"And you're hurt because of me too.. I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself.." a lone tear falling from his eye.

You wiped it then gently lift your head to place a gentle kiss on his lips.

"But you will. You should. Forgive yourself Yoongi. Forgive yourself.. for me.."

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