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Everyone is already sitted on the dining area. Yoongi on your right, Jimin across you and Jungkook beside him. The food is placed on the table and you are more than ready to devour it.

It's a full force Korean meal with side dishes and everything, you were literally blown away

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It's a full force Korean meal with side dishes and everything, you were literally blown away.

Upon seeing your reaction, Jungkook shyly said "Uh. I figured you needed soup to warm your stomach noona. Don't worry, I made sure that everything's healthy. You'd have to eat everything on your bowl so you'll get more energy and get well as soon as possible, okay?"

What he said made you smile softly, his genuinity warmed you. Who needs soup when you have Jungkook?

You're used to be taking care of others but when you met these guys, it's like the tables have turned. And it felt good to be taken care of.

"Thank you Kookie. I appreciate it a lot."

You got a fork since using a chopstick on your situation is just impossible. You started to get some noodles, but it proved to be more challenging as you thought it would be.

When you forced to twist your hand, pain shot through it, making you hiss.

The next thing you know there's a hand over yours, taking it away from the fork.

You looked at Yoongi with furrowed brows. He silently took your fork, got some noodles, blew it then placed it infront of your mouth.

"Eat it. Don't make me do an airplane for you Y/N."

There he goes with Y/N again..

Yoongi fed you while eating his meal too. After slurping half of the bowl, you tapped out but he wouldn't let you. He made sure you ate every single thing on the bowl, yep until the very last drop of the soup.

You sighed while touching you stomach, it felt like it's going to burst. You started to feel a little lightheaded that your eyes started to feel heavy.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked while gathering the used plates to clean.

"Food coma" you answered panting while holding your stomach, making the boys laugh.

You spent the day laying on a comfortable camelback sofa in the simple yet clean house (If you can call it that because you haven't move much. Or rather, can't.) watching movies with the boys. Yoongi is sitting on the armchair on your right, Jungkook laying on the carpet and Jimin sitting beside him even though there's still an armchair and an ottoman available.

"By the way.. where are we right now?" You asked them while popping cheese caramel flavored popcorns that Jimin oh-so-gracefully offered to buy you outside.

"Took you long to ask Noona. We're still in Czech. Honestly... it's just an empty house we happen to transport to.." he answered making your hand that's  holding a popcorn stop right infront of your mouth

"You're kidding... right?" You said, dumbfounded.

"Yeah.. about that.." Yoongi started while Jimin hummed "Hmm..."

Please tell me it's a joke

"Uhm.." Yoongi continued, making you even more nervous.

Then Jungkook roared out, tapping his thighs on the process. "Oh my gosh Noona! Hahahaha you should've seen yourself hahahaha!"

You could've beaten his ass up if only you're not injured and you couldn't throw him your precious popocorn so you opted to throw hard the toss pillows on him.

"How dare you gang up on me" You pouted on the other two then proceeded to chomp on the popcorns.

They just giggled at your reaction. Silently thanking that even though you're beaten down, you weren't running away from them. That even though you knew that they're not normal per se, you treat them the same.

You treat them as equal, you treat them as friends, you treat them as family.

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