Alexander McQueen

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He drove without saying anything, so you kept your mouth shut too. You try not to dwell on what happened earlier but it's taking everything you've got to do so. You shivered at the memory, specially the feeling of utterly hopeless.

Yoongi noticed your shivering state. He reaches something from the back seat then tossed the thing to you. Because even though he enjoys seeing your less than appropriate clothing choice of the night, he wouldn't want you to be sick.

"Wear it." He said. Breaking the eerie atmosphere

You immediately cover yourself with it. Welcoming the warmth it gave.

"Thank you" You whispered not trusting your voice because the small action made your heart beat fast.

You look at the guy next to you. Noticing for the first time that he's wearing a black long sleeves that's pulled up to his elbow and a silver skull bracelet that's awfully familiar to you since you wanted one.

Alexander McQueen for sure. Well damn, not surprised there.

You look at the road again, you weren't sure earlier if it's just dark that you can't distinguish where you are. But now you're sure that you're not familiar of the place.

"W-Where are we going?" You asked

"My house. Figured you don't want to be alone tonight." He said

But this isn't the way to his house

"It's my other house, quite far from the city. I'm staying there now because of the disturbances last time."

Oh yeah, how can I forget. But seriously is he a mind reader or what. Wait what?! He's taking me in his home?!

"Uhh.. T-That won't be necessary, I believe I bothered you too much already.."

Shit. Did I just stutter again? Why am I such a stuttering mess when I'm with him.

"It's fine. You're safer there. Believe me."

"It's not like I'm in danger.." you said.

You saw his grip on the steering wheel tighten but you can't be so sure.

"Just trust me on this one Y/N" He said in a voice that's says it's final, there's no room for discussion.

It confused you though. How he can be so sure that you're going to be in danger and why is he being so protective? Not that you're complaining. It's just puzzles you since he doesn't look like someone who's easily attached to a person.

Attached? Stop right there! The heck are you thinking of Y/N! He's just nice okay? Just nice.

Too nice actually. And it's the third time he has saved you. Twice from the same place, making you think of what happened earlier again.

It made you think how did he know you're in danger since it's dark in the club. And, yes you were struggling to get out of the grasp of the pervert. But in other person's eye it may look like you two are hooking up. You may be shouting for him to let you go, but your voice is muffled by the loud music in the club. So how in the world did he know that you weren't in fact fooling around with the guy?

Maybe. Just maybe, he can read minds? Oh come on Y/N. Who are you kidding.

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