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"GOODMORNING LOVEBIRDS! It's our last full day here. So get up! Get up!" You groaned upon hearing an overly enthusiastic Jungkook. He even took the duvet out of you two making you both whine.

"Leave us alone Jungkook." Yoongi muttered then hugged you tighter making you humm in satisfaction.

"Oh come on. It's 8 am, it's like afternoon right now." You can basically hear him rolling his eyes while saying it.

Ugh. Can't a girl get a decent sleep. Jeez.

You stomped your feet on the bed then threw your pillow to the annoying kid. He never gets hit but you have to try.

It surprisingly hit Jungkook straight to the face making you sit upright.

"Ouch Noona. What the heck?"

"Why didn't you dodge? You always dodge. And that's a pillow. It won't hurt you, stop exaggerating." You said, your brow arching

"I.. didn't have the time." Jungkook answered while looking at you suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi sat up. Well that instantly woke you two up.

"It was inhumanely fast.." Jungkook said with his head tilted to the side

After showering, you went out to see the boys sitted on the dining table having their breakfast with their backs straight, they seemed to be talking about something serious by their tensed body.

But as soon as you walked near them, they turned quiet.


"Hey" You said while making yourself a cup of coffee "Anyone want one?" You asked even though they already have one infront of them.

They respectably declined and as you sat on the chair beside Yoongi, they started to bombard you with questions.

"How are you feeling now Y/N?" Jimin asked

"I'm good. Better. I'm sorry for worrying you guys yesterday. Sorry that I cut your reunion short, Taehyung."

"Don't worry about it Noona. I can always come back here. You sure you're fine now?" Taehyung asked

"Mhmm. Never been better" You answered while bitting a toast

"I can see that. You were extremely fast earlier, it's weirding me out." Jungkook said, his eyes narrowing

You were about to link it to what really happened yesterday, when you stopped. You decided not to think about it whenever you're near Yoongi.

You weren't too sure about your choice to keep it a secret from him. But as of the moment, you have more questions than answer so telling him would just make him worry.

You will tell him when everything is a little clearer..

"Not my fault you're a slow poke today" you counter attacked making the boys holler.

While having breakfast, you planned what to do for the rest of the day. From sight seeing to where to eat, to where to shop.

You excitedly put on an oversized white tee and a black jean shorts. You paired it with the white shoes you used yesterday then off you go.

Jimin suggested to go to antique stores, saying that they have ridiculously great amount of vintage not to mention gorgeous stuff here in Czech. Making that your group's first agenda for the day.

You went first to a shop that's full of antique furnitures where you saw a vintage vanity mirror, the type of vanity you see royalties on the movies use. Where the mirror is a little oblongated and there's intricate details around it. You literally have to drag yourself away from the store because that stuff cost half a year of your salary.

The next shop has more of a mixed stuff, from vintage clothings, to really unique chinawares. Where you bought your gift to your parents, a vintage teacup set.

The third one was a little more cluttered looking than the first two making you felt like you're treasure hunting. Which technically speaking, you are. You browse around trinkets section while the boys are looking at the book section.

Thankfully the jewelries where categorized in different wooden boxes, makes it easier to look.

You were looking at the necklace box, when something caught your eyes from the box right next to it.

It's a silverish gold ring with a diamond in the center. But what got your attention is the intricatness of the details around it. It also have some kind of a number or code engraved inside the ring that makes felt more.. antique in a sense.

It's not a design you'd usually go for. You're more of a plain silver with just subtle design, definitely no diamond type of girl. But there's something about this ring. Perhaps you've seen in on a painting you've restored?

The moment you slipped it on your ring finger, it fitted perfectly making it felt like it was made specially for you.

You were admiring the ring on your finger, not noticing that there's someone watching you.

"The ring finally found it's rightful owner" an old lady said breaking the trance the ring has on you.

"Hmm?" You looked at the lady with your head tilted

"The ring suites you child." She said then smiled at you gently. Making you suddenly miss your grandnanny, you made a mental note to call her as soon as you went back home.

You thanked her then proceeded to buy the ring. As your group was walking towards the door to leave the shop, the old lady held your wrist gently, looked you straight in the eye then said

"Darling child, Remember not to lose your present while searching for your past."

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