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You inhaled sharply, making you smell Yoongi's exotic scent. He consisted of a scent that represent a freshly cut timber, like a damp forest after a rainy day; he smelt heavenly, like a fresh-scented-pine like honey.

Little did you know that you're inching more and more to the crook of his neck, clouding your judgement until his breathing turned deep. But still you continued what you're doing until your breath is ghosting over his neck. You didn't even hear when he closed the door because you were too intoxicated with his scent.

The feelings you've been denying for a while was suddenly too much, making you do something you didn't think you'd do.

Like your body has a mind of its own, you kissed his neck right where you saw a vein, making Yoongi shiver.

He then pushed you gently to the door and placed both of his hands beside your head, caging you.

"Like what I've said before, don't start what you can't finish Princess. I can't promise to be a gentleman with you being such a tease." He said sternly, leaning in while staring at your lips.

You slowly swiped your tongue over it and bit your lower lip then whispered. "What if I don't want you to?"

"Princess" He said in a warning tone. You then saw the change in his eyes, it's getting darker and darker by the second.

And you wanted to get lost in them.

And that's what you did. You threw all rationality out of the window and kissed him gently that made his eyes wide open.

You didn't know, but you have the same effect on him as he has on you. And he's been trying hard keeping his hands to himself because he respects you truelly, but it's a different case when you're the one you initiated it.

His lips felt so soft, that you don't want to take yours off his. And even though you don't know what to do, you just kept on moving your lips to feel his.

When he kissed you back, he held your waist and your nape and that's when your knees turned weak.

He kissed you with so much passion that made you out of breath. You took your hands to his hair and gently tugged it making him moan in your lips, while his hand that was on your waist are now running up and down your back.

He then bit your bottom lips making you gasp, you suddenly felt his tongue in your mouth. The feeling was exhilarating, making you regret that you haven't done it before.

Yoongi suddenly stopped the kiss then look at you straight in the eyes. "It's your first kiss?" He asked while catching his breath.

Looking at his disheveled hair and swollen lips made you feel oddly satisfied, in controlled. Because you're the reason of his flustered state.

You slowly nodded answering his question.

"And you gave it to me... why?"

And because the voicing out the answer took much more energy than what you have as of the moment, you decided to answer him in your head.

Because I want you to be mine.

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Triple update to make up to you guys! ❤️

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