Christian Grey

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"You... own the place." You said, repeating what he just said.

"You mean this office right?" You asked him

Shaking his head, he said "Nope. The whole establishment."

"Yeah of course you own the establ- what?!" Your eyes went wide and you can swear your mouth is opened as wide.

"Miss Y/N. I'm Min Yoongi, the founder and CEO of Min Enterprises. Nice to officially meet you." He said with a smirk on his face while mockingly placing his hand infront of you for a hand shake.

"I- you. I.. can I have moment?" You said while walking towards the sofa, needing to sit because you felt like your legs turned jelly. You knew he was rich, but it didn't occur to your little mundane mind that he's filthy rich.

Yoongi sat right next to you then took your hand to trace circles on it. "I'm honestly amused that you're taking this harder than when I confessed I'm immortal."

You can't help but think that you made a mutli-millionaire not to mention immortal wear bunny slippers at your house making you stifle a giggle.

"Well. My human mind can only take much. Just give me a moment. I'm just shocked, it will wear off." You said while staring at the floor.

"Okay. But I haven't told you..." Yoongi started

"Hmm?" You hummed while slowly looking at him. He has this serious expression in his face making you nervous.

"That you looked really beautiful today." Then his lips slowly lift up and his eyes wrinkling at sides.

You in return felt your face went warmer and you bit your lower lip to try and failing to stop your smile.

You playfully slap his arm then said "Stop being cheesy. Don't you have a meeting to attend to?"

"Mhmm. That's correct. We, have a meeting to attend to. Come on Princess."

Upon arriving at the conference room, which is how you expected it to be: gigantic, with long table and multiple chairs that's currently occupied with important looking people in different ages, all in business attire. Seeing their outfit makes you want to pat yourself in the back for choosing the outfit your wearing instead of going for a sweater that you initially planned to wear.

You noticed the complete change of Yoongi's demeanor. From playful and flirty to authoritative and professional so it surprised you when he held your hand.

"Ladies and gents. I'd like you all to formally meet my girlfriend, Y/N." He said making you snap your head towards him.

The room suddenly filled with gasps and murmurs. You tighten your grasp on Yoongi's hand then bowed to everyone and muster the sweetest, most charming smile you could then said. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." Trying to look calm even though your heart is beating gazillion times per minute.

He then got you a chair to sit next to him on the head area of the table. When you both were sitted, he clapped his hands once then said "Okay. Let's start this EGM."

EGM? Extraordinary General Meeting? Meaning everyone in this room is either a shareholder or a director.. Are you freaking kidding me right now? What am I doing here then?

The meeting started, you listened to every single detail that they say. It's about a new hotel they'll be building, they've tackled almost everything: from the best location to constructors they'll be working with to the architect down to the interior designers.

You can't help but steal very subtle glances at Yoongi. He just looked different there, the way he carries himself exudes this strong powerful aura making you drool a little.

 He just looked different there, the way he carries himself exudes this strong powerful aura making you drool a little

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Ugh. Why is he so hot? It's making me want to kiss him rough while I straddle his lap and then k-

Yoongi cleated his throat making you snap out of your dangerous thoughts. You see him glance at you side eyedly then continued what he's saying like it's nothing.

Shit shit shit

Good thing you're good at concealing your emotions from the people you don't know because what you wanted to do is run away from the room, from the meeting, but that would ruin Yoongi's image so you just stayed put.

And just when they've talked about almost everything. Yoongi said "As for the artworks that will be placed there, I'm getting Park Enterprises for the job." Making you snap your head to him once again, only this time your brows are a little elevated.

"Mr. Min, I suggest we go for the director of the museum on the fifth avenue. Their works are more contemporary than the Park's." A woman in a sleek bob with a red lipstick said

You felt you blood starting to boil. Does she meant the company you're working on is lacking? You literally fought the urge to arch your brows at her or snatch her overly ironed hair.

"Exactly. Their art is just contemporary, we're looking for something more diversed and I trust that the Park's will be able to give it to us." Yoongi said, then everybody nodded their heads as to agree.

After 2 and half hours, the meeting ended. Yoongi and you left the room first to go back to his office where you can finally breath again, because being surrounded by such uptight personas suffocated the shit out of you.

When the door to his office closed, he walk towards his chair with his hand on your back. He sat on the chair then looked at you through his lashes.

"So you wanted to kiss me hard and straddle my lap huh? I never thought you're able to have such dirty thoughts Princess." He said while holding you waist, guiding to towards his lap making you straddle him.

He leaned to your ears then whispered "What my baby wants, my baby gets." Making you suck in a sharp breath

"Woah there tiger, we are in your work area. Stop being Christian Grey-y, you're a warlock not a sex god." You said standing to your feet but Yoongi stopped you.

"You don't know that." He said then hold your nape with his right hand, and your waist with the other, then smirk.

He then slowly moved his fingers, tickling you.

"No! Hahaha Stop stop stop!" You pleaded but he's just continued his work

"Only if you say that I'm sexier and hotter than Christian Grey." He said while still tickling you.

You have tears in your eyes at this point "Haha You're hotter and sexier than Christian Grey! Now stop! Please!" Then he stopped making you able to catch your breath.

Hearing you laugh and seeing you with flushed face, knowing that he's the reason made his heart swell. Words can't even explain how deeply he's in love with you.

It scares the shit out of him, but the thought of not having you beside him scares him more.

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