Min Enterprise

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Days passed by, thankfully nothing bad has happened.

Yoongi slowly became included in your daily routines. You both would wake up at 6am, he'd wash up first while you cook for breakfast. Then you both would eat breakfast then he'll wash the dishes while you take a bath.

He then would drive you to work which you were reluctant at first but he insisted that it's on the way to his, so you obliged. Plus who doesn't want a free ride?

After work, there will be a black mustang waiting for you on the driveway then you'll be going home to prepare for the dinner. On days that you're kind of lazy to decide what to cook, you just order.

Dinner would consist of updating each other how their days went, or telling stories about each other's past making you two grew closer and closer.

After that, you'd both freshen up then either watch some movies or just continue talking about random stuff with your head on Yoongi's chest while he plays with your hair.

You're practically a married couple.

One day you were at home having a day off from work when Yoongi left an important document he'll be needing for a meeting and he can't portal home because that would raise suspicion from his workers, a.k.a his assistant.

It's your first time going to his workplace so you efforted a little more on your appearance. You opted for a floral chiffon top and a dusty rose skirt then paired it with a strappy flat shoes. You also applied some light makeup then you're good to go.

 You also applied some light makeup then you're good to go

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You took a cab so you wouldn't be late. And not long after you're standing infront a high rise contemporary building.

You walked inside the lobby towards a receiptionist, once you told her your name her eyes went wide then immediately stood up and bowed to you then assisted you towards the lift where she clicked the highest floor, 48th. Then left you to go back to her post.

Well that was weird...

The lift opened to a wide lounge upon opening at the designated floor. And beautiful lady in business attire standing infront of the lift.

She immediately bowed to you then said "Mr. Min is in his office." then walked you towards the end of a hallway.

You were walking 3 steps away from the girl, making you notice how her clothes hugs her curve at the right places. And her ass, dang, you'd kill to have those ass.

When you reached the door at the end, She knock three times then motioned for you to get inside. She bowed again to you then left.

You opened the door hesitantly. And what you saw took your breath away.

The place looks more like a luxurious lounge than an office. The place is huge and designed with white and gold accent. It has a bookshelf wall, a complete set of velvet sofa

Is that a mini bar at the side?

And infront, there's a dirty white oblong table. What really struck you though, is the view. You walked towards the window and you can see the concrete jungle from where you're standing.

You don't even want to think about what's Yoongi's position at the company to be able to have such luxurious office

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You don't even want to think about what's Yoongi's position at the company to be able to have such luxurious office.

But where's Yoongi?

Then suddenly there's a pair of strong arms wrapped around waist.

"Well hello to you too, Mr. Min." You said while a smile playing at your lips

"Oh that sounds so hot coming from you babe." He replied in a hushed tone sending shivers to your body that for sure did not go unnoticed from the laugh that emitted from him.

You bit your lip to stop a frown from forming. Your face heating up by the minute.

He kissed your cheek then slowly loosened his arms to turn you around to face him.

"Have I ever told you how I love making you blush?" He said while smiling his gummy smile that makes you wanna do everything he wants.

But in contrast, you just rolled your eyes at him, trying to be sassy. Then got the documents from you bag then gave it to him.

"Here you go Mr. Min. And now that my work here is done, I'll see you later then." You said making you way to the door when he stopped you by blocking your way

"Uhh.. I'd like you to join the meeting. If that's okay with you?"

"Would that be.. fine? I mean, I'm an outsider. Wouldn't your associates think that's odd?" You said with your brow furrowed and your head tilted to the side.

"Oh they wouldn't." He said with a smug smile

"And why is that?" You asked although you kinda have a feeling as to why

"Because princess, I own the place."

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