Is this a dream?

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That night you slept alone but not long after you heard someone calling your name and shaking you a little aggressively. What you didn't notice was that you were in cold sweat, panting with tears down your face.

Then his scent hit you even before your consciousness does. When it did, you remembered your dream, nightmare rather.

You so happened to dream about what happened with the steroids boys, but in a more brutal scenario. And they're face looking more grim than in real life.

Remembering it made you shudder. Yoongi saw it while wiping off the tears in your face and the cold sweat, making him feel even more hollow inside. You don't deserve what happened, not even a bit. He was supposed to shy you away from those situations, not be the reason for it to happen to you.

You panicked when he stood up to leave, just his presence makes you feel safer and you'd like to hold on that feeling. Specially now.

You grabbed onto his hand gently then whispered "Stay, please.."

The raw emotions in your voice made Yoongi close his eyes, he felt that.

He just nodded and was about to sit beside your bed again. But you want something more.

"Lay with me, Yoongi.."

With the tremor in your voice, he's sure as heck that he'll do everything you want him to do just to take the monsters in your head away.

He then layed on the bed then said "Come here Princess."

You instantly wrapped your arms on his waist and place your head on his chest. Not caring if it hurted you in the process of doing so.

You wanted this. You needed this.

And when he called you by the pet name again? It was enough to make you tear up with joy. Even you were shocked that hearing him call you that again would make you this emotional.

What's the matter with you? You scolded yourself. You weren't always this petty. You're tearing up just because he didn't call you by the petname you love for a day?

But in those moments, it felt like he shut me out.. I didn't like that..

Yoongi started to rub your back soothingly then whispered "I'm sorry Princess.."

You snuggled on him tighter "Doesn't matter anymore. Just promise me you won't do it again hmm?"



"Yes. Whatever makes you happy, my Princess." He said then gave your head a kiss making you look at him.

He's smiling but there's still sadness in his eyes.

You cupped his face with your hand then rubbed it gently. He tilted his head until his mouth is on your palm then gently kissed it.

You then slowly moved your hand towards his nape and lifted yourself up.

"I've said this and I'll say this again. It wasn't your fault Yoongi. Stop feeling guilty about it please. For me. For you. For us."

He just looked at you with soft eyes.

You pecked on his forehead "Stop"

Then his eyes "Feeling"

Then his nose "Guilty"

Then his cheeks "About"

And finally, his lips "It."

Then he gave you the most genuine smile you've seen on his face since the mess. Making you smile too.

There's my Yoongi

He grinned even more at your thought then patted his arm. You slowly lay your head on it, facing his side so you're face to face with him.

He sighed then said "I was so scared Princess. I though I was going to lose you. I was relieved that you're alive but when I saw your bruises and cuts.. I.I..can't help to loathe myself."

"Oh you wouldn't get rid of me that easily" you teased him. Then said "And this wounds? You just have to kiss them til it heals then."

And then you realized what you just said. If he kissed your wounds... he'd have to kiss you with your clothes off.

Your train of thoughts made Yoongi smirk at you.

"Wait! Wait! I didn't mean that. Just. Forget about it." You pleaded

"Mhmm.. I won't be able to get rid of that memory that easily, you basically asked me to hook up with you my innocent Princess."

Aaaaaand he's back


You tried to cover your grin with a pout but failed to do so.

"My my... is my Princess asking for a kiss?"

"Ugh stop. Please." You groaned while covering your face with your hands

"Never" He said while taking your hands off.

He  placed both of it infront of his lips then gently kissed your knuckles.

"When that shit happened, it made me think about things more clearly... I know it's not the most perfect timing but.." he started, his eyes searching for yours

"I... I think I'm in love with you."  He said with a growing pink tint on his cheeks, he looks so nervous and shy, making your heart beat like crazy

Did I heard him correctly?

He nodded then placed you hand onto his chest right where his heart is. You felt it frantically beating, just like yours. Maybe even faster.

"I. I'm in love with you my Princess.. my Y/N..

Will you be mine?"

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