Home tour

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He motioned you to follow him to outside of the room making you really look at the place while standing up.

You're struck at how beautiful the room is. Like vintage beautiful, the type of rooms you expect to see on the history books. The room is huge, with just a bed and a table and chair beside it. Everything is adorned with gold and being that your work is reviving old stuff, you can swear that the golds aren't just gold colored paints. It's real gold.

There's also a massive, like massive chandelier.

Like what the hell?

If the bedroom took your breath away, you weren't ready when you saw what outside of it looked like

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If the bedroom took your breath away, you weren't ready when you saw what outside of it looked like.

If the bedroom took your breath away, you weren't ready when you saw what outside of it looked like

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You stopped on your tracks, rubbed your eyes and pinched yourself. Trying to see if it's only a dream. Because there's no way in hell someone would be this wealthy in such a young age. The place is humungous! And you haven't even seen the half of it yet.

He watched your reactions while casually leaning at a post with his hand in his pockets. Meanwhile you yourself is having a hard time keeping yourself together.

"Come on princess, I'm going to cook breakfast for us. I'm hungry."

You're always hungry. You thought to yourself while following him

"Mhmm. I am" He whispered making you stop walking.

"What did you just say?" You asked

He shrugged and said "I am always hungry. If that's what you're thinking" then continued walking.

You descended on the staircase, the grand staircase. Everywhere you look at is an artwork that seems like its from the Renaissance era: From Plateresco style to Disornamentado which is dated around early to the late 1500s. There's also a vastly Rococo touch in the style of the house, which dated around the 1800s.

Wow. This guy sure knows a lot about art history. Well, he does own a museum.

You followed him to a hallway that looks more like an area on a museum than a hallway of a house. The paintings that were hunged were surely ancient, you can bet your work on it. It also impressed you how it was restored so flawlessly. But the paintings soon turned familiar as you walk, that it made you halt your steps.

I-isn't that?

Sensing you, Yoongi turned around and look at you then said "They're beautiful aren't they?"

"Exquisite" You said almost breathlessly.

"Where do you get them restored?" You asked while walking again.

After turning right, you entered a kitchen that's also holds a design as explosive as the other parts of the house you've seen.

After turning right, you entered a kitchen that's also holds a design as explosive as the other parts of the house you've seen

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This is crazy. Who puts chandelier in every part of the house?? Definitely Yoongi.

"At a great company for restoring" He answered.

I'm sure I've seen that on Jimin's office..

"Sit Princess" Yoongi said while pulling the chair for you. "I'm going to make a simple fried rice for breakfast. Is that okay for you?" He continued.

You smiled then nodded. You're not a picky eater so anything, even just a cereal would be fine. Plus you're not really in a place to be choosey.

He started cooking while you watch in silent. After a few minutes he placed one platefull of fried rice infront of you and also one for him.

"Coffee?" He asked

"Yes please."

He got two cups of coffee and cutlery for the both of you. You're not surprised the the utensils are gold but that doesn't mean you're not thinking of how one set of it could be your salary for a whole year.

You carefully hold the silverware then started to eat.

After the breakfast, Yoongi asked you to come with him on the living room. Which of course you didn't decline because when else are you going to be inside a house that's full of artifacts from the era you love?

You reached the end of the hall where you were welcomed with a humungous living area. And of course, chandelier.

You suddenly imagine Yoongi hanging on the chandelier while singing I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelieeeeerrrrr

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You suddenly imagine Yoongi hanging on the chandelier while singing I'm gonna swing from the chandelier, from the chandelieeeeerrrrr. That made you snicker right then and there.

"You're not thinking of me swinging on the chandelier while singing to Sia aren't you?" He said while narrowing his eyes on you with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Uhm. Nope. Why would I? No. Not a chance." You said while looking at him innocently then suddenly you imagine him wearing leotard and blonde wig that made you laugh your ass off.

He groaned then sat on one of the sofas, you sat beside him while calming yourself down which is so hard to do.

"Okay. I'm good now. Can you please start explaining now?" You said while wiping you eyes from the tears and breathing deeply.

He opened his mouth about to say something when the gigantic front door opened and a voice shouted

"What's up bitch?"

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Shout out to mimipabo  & Miriammochi  thanks so much for the votes and support! I hope you guys are enjoying the book ❤️

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