Hokus Pokus

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"So.. the boys and I talked about something.." Yoongi said when you walked into your room right after you showered.

"Hmm?" You answered while drying your hair with a towel infront of a vanity mirror.

"You're all healed now and.." he walked towards your back

"Oh yeah. Speaking of that. Did you hokus pokus me with your magic wand?" You asked, looking at him through the mirror.


And then his eyebrow slowly arched then his lips tugged in a smirk, you mentally slap yourself by the look on his face. You realized that you dugged your own grave and you dugged it deep.

He slowly wrapped his arms around your waist then put his head on your shoulder

"Hmmmmm... why Princess? Would you like me to hokus pokus you with my magical wand? You only have to ask.." he purred, whispering to you ears.

You would've elbow him, if only he didn't sound so hot while saying it.

You groaned "You're not playing fair"

"Just a little payback.... babe." He said then kissed your neck.

"But yes, I did used a little pixie dust on you. Anyways, moving back to our first topic, we'd like to take you out. If.. you'd like to."

You instantly twirled to face him, probably looking like a kid that's given a lollipop by the force you can't seem to stop in your lips.

You even subconsciously placed your hands around Yoongi's neck making him take his head back a little and watch you with twinkle in  his eyes.

"Are you sure? Isn't it.. dangerous?" You said, toning down your expectations a little.

He held both sides of your waist then said "Oh I'm sure Princess, you have four body guards with you. No one and nothing will be able to lay a finger on you. Well, except for me.."

He swiped his tongue on his lips then leaned towards you while his gaze is on yours making you gulp. You looked to his hypnotizing eyes that have gotten darker than the usual.

He slowly leaned in, giving you enough time to stop his advances which you have no intentions to do so

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He slowly leaned in, giving you enough time to stop his advances which you have no intentions to do so.

And to let him know, you slowly rubbed his nape going up to his hair where you scratched then tugged it gently, extracting low sinful breath from him.

With just a strand away left between the two of you that his breath is fanning over your lips, and your body tangled against each others.. You looked at each other's eyes. Ready to devour each other's lips..


Revealing a fascinated Jungkook... with an astonished Taehyung beside him.

"Oopsie.. Did I just interrupted something again?" He said, leaning against the frame with a silly smirk on his face.

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