Jealousy incarnate

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"It's not what it looks like" was the first thing that came out from your mouth. Making you sound like a cheating wife.

And yep, while Jimin is still holding you.

If only the situation is not as tensed, you would've laughed at how absurd it is. You awkwardly stood up then thanked Jimin for saving your ass.

You thought that he's going to he's room right after, but much to your dismay, he didn't. And what he said next stunned you.

"Would you care having dinner with me, Y/N?"

You wide eyedly looked at him then Yoongi. And you can definitely see the change in Yoongi's eyes, he's clearly not happy.

"Uhh... it's fine! I-I'm still not hungry anyway." You said then awkwardly laughed

"Oh. But I insist." Jimin answered back, with mischief in his eyes.

What in the world?

And you could've swear that the glare Yoongi is giving him could burn him to ashes. Which, Yoongi technically could do.

You bit your lower lip. You can't just leave Yoongi and dine with Jimin, because well.. he's sort of, kinda your.... partner in crime? Best buddy?

What's he to you right now? You have feelings for him. And he does have feelings for you too. So what would you call your relationship? Definitely not lovers because you two haven't sealed the deal. So technically, even everything in the world has a label; canned goods, tv, clothes. you guys don't. But still, You can't just leave him..

On the other hand, there's Jimin. Your talented boss who accepted you right after you graduated, even you don't have working experience yet. And you know him long enough to say that you are friends.

You stood there biting your lip, not knowing what to say when Yoongi answered for you.

"No thank you. She already have plans with me." Yoongi suddenly interfered.

Uh oh

Jimin's eyebrow shot up at the statement and then he smirked, looking like he's entertained at what's happening. You on the other hand wanted to run away from the testosterone war they're starting.

Then an idea popped in your mind.

"Uh.. how about we three have dinner together? Just here at the hotel restaurant so it won't be that tiring. Since we've been out the whole day?" And to save ourselves from the who-will-seat-in-whose-car.

You let your eyes flicker to the both of them, kind of hoping that they'll decline and just leave you alone for the night. And also kind of hoping not. Since it can be the start of their reconciliation. You hope so.

"I don't mind. As long as I'm with you, Princess." Yoongi answered while walking closer to you to put his hand on your shoulder protectively.

Jimin smirked then said "That's actually not a bad idea, Y/N. See you in a few then. Dress to impress, Kitten."

Kitten? Where is this coming from.

With that, he left to his room. Leaving you and Yoongi alone.

You walked inside the room, immediately taking your heels off. You sighed, finally your feet is free! Not for long though.

As the door closed. Yoongi walked infront of you then crossed his arms on his chest then said "Kitten?"

You gulped nervously then said "B-before you assume anything, I myself don't know where that came from

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You gulped nervously then said "B-before you assume anything, I myself don't know where that came from."

"First, I opened the door to see you two entangled with each other. And then this?" He scoffed making you slowly smile at how cute he's behaving.

"Are you... jealous?" You asked playfully, expecting him to deny it.

"Yes. I don't want anyone else touching what's mine."

Uhhh.. did I just heard him correctly?

"Yes. MINE. Do not forget it this evening, or else..."

Or else?

"I'm gonna have to punish you, Princess."

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