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You woke up the next morning with the usual warmth around your body and the scent you oh so love coming from your personal heater.

You sighed then snuggled more into him.

Hmm? Why am I feeling his skin on my face?

Then like there's a lightbulb that's flicked on, your still hazy mind recalled what happened last night making you gasp out loud and yank the duvet to cover your naked body.

Making all of him displayed before you.

Wrong move! Wrong move! Red alert! Red alert!

He groaned then chuckled, placing his arm under his head while looking at you smugly. "If you wanted to see me naked, you could've just asked Princess." Not bothering to cover his sinful body.

You hide your beet red face under the comforter, silently praying that he'll atleast put his boxers on to hide his beaver basher because it would take a whole lot while before you get used to seeing it.

"Mhmm. I do remember clearly that this beaver basher made you moan so loud last night that I bet the people that's staying in the same floor with us heard it.. Want me to remind you Princess?" The seducer said then you felt the mattress deepened, signaling that he's moving towards you.

"Yoongi stop.." You whined.

Your mind started to think of ways to avoid the brewing situation but as you were about to escape for the restroom; and you were this close to stand up and save yourself from the devil. But he caught you and immediately hovered over you while gazing into your eyes heavily.

He then slowly swiped his tongue along his lips then gently tuck his bottom lip under his teeth. Whilst you just watched his enticing motions like a hypnotized bunny.

You gulped, your breathing started to get heavy. If he leaned it to claim your lips, it would get dangerous. And you wouldn't care. You're too far out of it at the moment to give a damn.

He slowly leaned in, not breaking eye contact and stopped when his lips was just a breath away from your lips that as he talked, it gently fan over yours sending tingling sensation through your whole body.

"Oh Princess, the things I wanna do to you.. Just knowing that you're bare underneath this piece of cloth is more than enough to drive me crazy.. but if I don't stop myself, we won't be able to leave this room for the whole day. And Bruce would be waiting for us at the lobby in approximately 30mins." Then he laid on his back, releasing you from his vicious cage.

In a heartbeat, you ran towards the bathroom with the comforter wrapped around your body. You immediately locked the door then press the button to close the curtain.

A pouting Yoongi didn't go unnoticed and before the curtain covered every inch of the glass you stuck your tongue out towards him.


True to his words, 30 mins later when you go to the lobby, Bruce was already there chitchatting with the hotel staff.

He bid them goodbye when he saw the two of you. He explained where you're going and how long the journey will be while directing you towards the car.

The first stop was a breakfast in a famous local restaurant where you ordered eggs benedict and coffee while Yoongi got loco moco and a vanilla shake. And a sumo saimin for Bruce, no wonder the guy is buff.

After the meal, you guys went to trek towards the famous Akaka fall for about an hour, that when you got to the end point Yoongi was already complaining of hunger.

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