Little Cabin in The Woods

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You woke up with the ray of sunshine showering over your face. You stretched your arms deliciously releasing poping sounds, then roll to the other side of the bed, slowly drifting to lalaland.. when you remembered it's Monday!

You reached for your phone on the bedside table then cursed. It's currently 7am, your work starts at 8 and it will take you 30 mins to arrive at the office.

You ran to the bathroom to freshen up and a few minutes later, you're ready. Never have you showered that fast in your life, you always take your time washing every inch of your self.  But the will to not wake up the witch inside your boss on the first day of the week is stronger. Luckily your work doesn't demand you to do your makeup everyday, just on days that you have to meet clients or important people.

So you get your bag, locked your door, went directly to your car and drove to the office immediately.

You arrived at 7:45 so you still have time to get atleast a breakfast sandwich on your not-so-favorite place, the office's cafeteria. Actually if you're going to be honest with yourself, the food there is not so bad. It's just too bland to your taste. It's like the head chief didn't even try the food before serving it. But you're not in the place to be choosey right now so you sighed and went your way there.

Holding a coffee and the ham and egg sandwich, you squeezed your way inside the over crowded elevator while apologizing. What can you do? You'll be late if you wait for the next one.

When it reached you floor, you immediately ran to your work area. You checked your watch, 8:05. But seeing that your boss isn't around yet filled you with relief. You were about to seat down when you hear a voice calling you.

Shit shit

You twirled to face your boss, "Y-yes sir?" You said while looking at his handsome face then looked down.

Yes he's handsome alright? But he's so damn scary when he's mad.

"You just arrived? It's 8:05am. You know how much I hate tardiness." He said calmly but there's sternness in his voice

"Y-yes sir. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Good. Since it's the first time, I'm letting it slide. But never again, do you hear me Y/N?"

"Yes sir!" You said

"Okay. Inform the others that we'll have our meeting in 20 mins."

"Right away sir." You said. When he went inside his office, you sunk down to your chair breathing deeply to slow down your heart beat. You opened your phone then sent a mass text to your team while eating your sandwich.

You've been working on the design firm for about a year now and you have no plans to work for any other company. Because aside from you get to do what you love, making new art and restoring the old one, the over all environment suits you. It's not super formal and your workmates is friendly too. Your boss is a genius, and also very generous. He's not hard to get along with, more frequent than not you can see him smiling. And apart from the few times you can count on your hand that you've seen your boss fuming with anger, everything is perfect. He's also damn hot. What more can you ask for?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

It was already 12:30pm when the meeting finished and you were already tired. 4 hrs of brain storming, using your creative juices, drained you. Plus your stomach is already rumbling. So cannot wait to go out and eat a hearty lunch. But first, you have to organize your stuff carefully.

By the time you're done, your teammate's  already gone. You're left with your boss.

"I'll go now sir" you said while bowing

"Actually. Have lunch with me Ms. Y/N" He said surprising you

"Uhh" you don't know what to answer. Since you can't just decline your boss.

He's asking me out? Wouldn't that be awkward? I mean. Yes, I did have a crush on him. But I wouldn't want his staff to think that I seduced him. Omg.

"I have to discuss something about work with you, privately" he said

"Oh. Of course sir."

What the hell Y/N. What were you thinking? You're here to work for pete's sake.

"I'll wait for you in the car. You know where it's parked, right?"

"Yes sir." You said

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The drive was silent except for the radio that's playing some pop songs. You can't even ask where you two are going since you're not that comfortable with him yet. You two only ever talk about work. Because what else would you talk about with your boss?

You arrived at a simple cabin restaurant with a garden beside it. But you were blown away when you went inside.

You look at the place in awe while following your boss to the seat on near the window, where you can see the garden outside

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You look at the place in awe while following your boss to the seat on near the window, where you can see the garden outside.

When you sat down, a staff immediately handed you both menus.

You're trying your best to choose a meal, but the surrounding is just breath takingly distracting.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" Your boss said

"Yes it is. I've never seen anything like it" You answered

In the end, you opted to get a steak with mashed potato and vegetable salad on the side. A girl gotta eat.

Your mouth salvitated when your food was served. The smell was everything. Plus your hunger was reaching it limits, you can probably wolf the whole plate down.

You sliced through the meat and took a bite. The explosion of flavor was enough to make you moan in satisfaction, forgetting that you're with your boss.

"That good huh?" He said while eating his meal

"Uh. Y-yes sir. Would you like some?" You offered

"We're out of work place right now. You can call me by my name" he said

It's the first time you're going to address him by his name. You two were strictly just professional with each other so you inhaled your nervousness then said

"Well. Okay then. Would you like some, Jimin?"

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