Black Tee

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It was 9pm by the time Yoongi got a call.

"Got it. Thanks buddy, I owe you one." He said to the other line.

"Y/N, they're gone now." He then said to you

You stood up and stretched your whole body to satisfaction "ugh finally" you grunted.

The walk back to the main area of the house was silent. You didn't bother to break it since nervousness is getting the best of you.

What if his intel is wrong? What if they're still there?

You were thinking of the possible worst scenario that could happen to you two: Be kidnapped (even though technically you're not kids), then they'll bring to the black market wherein you'll be cut like a jigsaw puzzle and then sell pieces of you.

Your mind was a whirlwind of disturbing thoughts when Yoongi suddenly snorted. Like he knows what you're thinking.

"Something funny?" You asked

"Nothing. You just look scared" he said

"Who wouldn't. I didn't sign up for this" You whisper-yelled

He stopped walking then turned to face you. He put his hands on your shoulder gently then crunched down on your level and said "I won't let anything happen to you Princess. I won't let anyone touch you. You have my word."

You were taken aback by the seriousness in his eyes and his voice. Never had anyone told you that before. You're usually the one who takes care of other people, you're usually the one who says that. The way he said it while staring into your eyes makes it more intense, it's just words but you felt it's weight. It's felt like it's more than that, like it's a promise, like it's a vow.

Where's the playboy that I met?

Seeing that your eyes soften, he slowly placed strands of hair on your ear, making you involuntarily shiver. He tilted his head to the side and said

"Well. Except for me, I can't promise to keep my hands to myself" then smirked

Aaaaand he's back.

You snorted, shaking yourself out of his touch. "Come on cassanova, I'm getting hungry." You said

"Ohhhh. Cassanova, I like that." He said then bumped your shoulder playfully.

Something shifted between you two, you can feel it in the air. There's a growing tension with a sense of comfort. You were starting to ask yourself whether you should be concerned, but you decided to just enjoy it.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Yoongi offered to give you a ride home which you respectfully declined, but then he insisted. Saying that if something bad happens to you it will be his fault, because you're his guest.

You were dead ass drunk last night that you didn't see his car, and dang, what a sweet ride it is. You're practically drooling at the sight of it.

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