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Your head snapped to a tall, beautiful, statuesque man on the doorway. What struck you the most is his reddish hair. Like how the hell can someone look so good, especially in that hair color. You almost chocked on your saliva on how hot the guy is. His eyes widened when they landed on you.

"Oh.. you.. have.. guest?" He asked Yoongi, unsureness and curiousity clearly evident in his voice.

Yoongi sighed annoyingly "What are you doing here?"

"What? I always come here hyung." The guy said while rolling his eyes then strode towards the sofa.

He stood right infront of you and said "Oh. Where are my manners, I apologize M'Lady" then bowed down his head almost theatrically.

He looked into your eyes then kneeled his left leg infront of you, looking like a prince. Making you blink your eyes rapidly.

Am I dreaming? If it is, don't wake me up.

He took your hand then said "I'm Jeon Jungkook, and you are?"

He took your hand then said "I'm Jeon Jungkook, and you are?"

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You heard Yoongi groaned but you paid him no mind. 100% of your attention is on the hot stuff  infront of you.

"Y/N" You whispered

He smiled then took your hand close to his face then kissed it gently. "Pleasure to meet someone as beautiful as you M'Lady."

Your face immediately heat up after hearing his sweet as honey statement. You barely kept yourself from squealing.

"Jungkook" Yoongi said in a warning tone, making you look at him sharply.

Way to ruin a moment Min Yoongi.

Yoongi snorted then said "You like it that much?" Which you just rolled your eyes.

You saw the two exchange some kind of a look then Yoongi said "Princess, how about you take a bath first then we talk after hmm?"

"That would be a great idea. I'll also be waiting for you here M'Lady" Jungkook said, making you smile bashfully. You could blame you? the guy is an absolute charmer.

You look at Yoongi then nod.

"Come. I'll take you in the bathroom." He said making Jungkook snicker. You furrowed your brows, not understanding what's funny about his statement.... Then it clicked. You gave him a stare that says "what the hell?"

This pervert!

"So you can take a bath. What were you thinking my oh so innocent little princess?" He said in a mocking tone.

You groaned then said "I'm not your princess. Come on. Lead the way"

You followed him to the room you slept in. Inside it, there's a door you didn't notice earlier since it looked like just a part of the wall.

He push it wide opened. Your mouth subconsciously opened, because if you thought that he's bathroom from the first house was gorgeous, this bathroom mind blowing.

It's adorned in golds and whites. Of course there's a chandelier, making you confirm his thing for it. But what made you sigh in awe is the huge windows that makes you able to see the view outside.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Yoongi said while you walk towards the window

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"Beautiful, isn't it?" Yoongi said while you walk towards the window. Gracing your hand gently on it.

"It's unlike anything I've seen" you whispered, totally captivated with the view.

"Princess, I'll have to leave you to your business. Unless, you want me to help?" He said smirking

There he goes with his sexual innuendos again.

"No thank you" you answered almost immediately, heat spreading on your face.

"Well, you know where to find me if ever you change your mind" He said then winked

When you didn't say anything he opened a cabinet and gave you a robe and a towel. He also made sure you knew where all the bathing stuff is.

"I'll put clothes on the bed like the last time. Okay? Dont worry, I'll lock the bedroom door. Enjoy your bath."

With that, he left you alone in your solitary. Thinking about how your life turned from a boring cliché movie to an action, sci-fi one.

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