No Probllama

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After the revelations, Yoongi drove you home. You weren't planning to, but a few minutes after you sat on the car you succumbed to sleep.

You woke up feeling dizzy, and it seems like you're levitating from the ground.

Am I still dreaming?

You slowly opened your eyes to be met with a jaw. A pale jaw. Making you furrow your brows.

"Good morning princess, or should I say Good evening."

You were about to jump out of his arms from the shock, good thing he tightened his hold on you, preventing you to fall down.

"Relax. We're almost there." He said making you look at the familiar surrounding

"I-uh.. I can walk." You whispered

He muttered something under his breath like "fine" then gently helped you to stand on your feet. You thanked him then started to walk to the elevator of your place.

"How did you even know where I live?"

"Hmm.. I have my ways" He said then winked

When the elevator opened, you both stepped inside it and after a few minutes it arrived at your floor. You walked silently towards your unit and when you arrived he said "Well. Now that I'm sure you're safely home-"

"Uh. Would you like to come in for dinner?" Cutting him before you change your mind since it's the least you can do for everything he had done for you.

Yep. That's it. That's definitely it.

"Yes. I'd like that." He said, sounding a little surprised.

It's actually the first time you've ever invited a guy that's not a friend inside your house. So you're kind of nervous.

Wait. Hold up. Hold up. Isn't he a friend? Oh shit. Wait. How can I forget he can hear my thoughts. La~ La~ La~~~~

You heard him laugh while you're unlocking the door, making your face flush with heat.

"Welcome to my humble abode" you said

Your place is relatively small compared to his mansion, but you're still proud of it. It's homy, cozy and most of your stuff is either you did yourself or you bought from flee market so it has character and the fact that it's small makes the cleaning easier.

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"Wow. Nice place" He said

"Thanks. Feel free to roam around. I'll just change to something comfortable." You said then changed to one of your many priced procession shirts and a cotton short. You tied your hair to a messy bun while checking the clock. 5:50pm

"Is there anything you'd like to eat?" You asked the man who's standing looking at your paintings on the wall.

"You." He said

"Pardon?" You look at him with furrowed brows

"I said, it's up to you Princess. What did you hear hmm?"

Istg I'm going to kick this guy if he doesn't behave

"I'm not a picky eater. Surprise me." He continued, still looking at the paintings.

After deciding to cook a healthy meal. You started to gather the ingredients for kung pao chicken, mapu tofu and sautéed spinach.

Yoongi suddenly snorted then said "No probllama? I can't stress how bad that shirt it. It also reminds me of a friend."

"What? What's your problem with my shirt."

After cooking, you both eat while talking about random stuff. He's telling a funny story about the friend he mentioned upon seeing your shirt that made his whole face shine, making you feel like warm and fuzzy inside. Making you feel like you've accomplished something that day.

That even for a brief moment, you made the lonely stable boy smile.

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Filler chapter!

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