Under the sea

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The next day's itinerary was a little more cramped than the first one. Yoongi wanted you to experience the "good stuff" as he called it. And since you'd be going home tomorrow evening, he decided to schedule it in a day.

No complains on your part though.

First agenda of the day was going to the Volcano National Park where there are parts of the land that is literally smoking hot. Also, Yoongi insisted you to make a stone pile and wish after stacking it, which you gladly did because why not?

You've always been wishing for good health and success in career. But this time, with your man beside you, you wished for his.

And that he'll always be safe and that he'll be able to gain every happiness the world could bring.


After wishing to the heavens, you went literally up close and personal with it, riding a 6 sitter helicopter.

And boy oh boy, how different it was from flying through a plane.

The scariest part was the ascending, you were actually having second thoughts to push through it even the heli was already moving upwards because you're suddenly reminded of the news where the helicopters just vanished into thin air or crashed in places no one could find.

You literally stopped breathing, your head is leaned on Yoongi's shoulder and your hand clutched his so tight you thought it was going to turn blue.

Until the metal that devies gravity got stable on the air.

"Princess, look outside."

You shook your head. No hell you'll be able to finish the air tour unpuking if you see your current distance from the ground.

"Just look Princess, you won't regret it."

So with a deep breath, you detached your head on him and very slowly look towards the window

...and he was right.

You gasped out loud. The blue sky looks even bluer upclose. The division between the sky and sea is almost non-existential. You absorbed every shade, every detail you're seeing so that you'll be able to paint it when you got home.

You flew towards an active volcano where you saw magma in live action! It was the best thing ever. You actually forgot your fear and started to enjoy the tour.

That is until the pilot asked you to open the door on your side.

Like is he freaking serious?!

You were visibly panicking, your eyes danced from the pilot to a smiling Yoongi with your mouth agape.

You took a deep breath. Mentally giving yourself a pep talk that it's an experience you could experience only once.

You clutched on the opening handle and slowly turned it, but turns out no matter how slowly you turn it, the door just flies open!

You screamed in fear and excitement "Holy shit!" While grabbing Yoongi for your dear life.

The wind was so strong, your hair was flying in all directions. You could swear the man beside could eat some of the strands.

After a few minutes, you put on your big girl shoes and muster all the courage you could at the moment then detach yourself on Yoongi and look at the view with the door opened.

Never have you been so proud of yourself.

The simple act was actually liberating, making you feel like you could actually do anything and everything.


After the air tour comes the water, under the sea tour, a.k.a scuba diving.

Before diving in the water, you were trained first by a licensed scuba diver in a pool so that you'll get used to the motions and gestures that would be used in real action.

Then you and Yoongi were drove into the middle of the sea then dispatched into the water with your trainer.

You've tried snorkeling before but scuba diving is so much different from it. The colorful corals were within your reach, also you can get close with the fishes, you can practically see the shades on their scales that you're all smiles the whole time.

The trainer guided you two to a sunken ship that scared the shit out of you but you still push through it.

As soon as you enter the ship's premises, you immediately felt like there's something absolutely wrong with it.

There's not even one fish that's swimming inside and the water temperature dropped drastically.

Your heart started to beat fast, your mind sending warning signals all through your body but you decided to shrug it off, not wanting to ruin the precious moment.

You just glanced at Yoongi if he felt it too. But he's just looking at the ship with awe making you think that you're just being a scared cat.

Haven't you been here before?

You asked him through your mind making him look at you, he shook his head then returned looking at the ship.

Seeing him look at the ship in wonder tugged your heart.

You smiled at his childlike behavior, you stretched you hands to take his, you almost grabbed his hand when your right feet was suddenly pulled downwards by a force you cannot see!

It was so unexpected that you were motionless for a second. When you realized what's happening you flapped your hands and your free feet desperately.


You look upwards to see that you're being dragged so fast. You heard your oxygen supply was turned off making you panic even more.

What the hell?!

You tried to fight the force even more, knowing that your mundane body would not be able to cope up if it continues.

You kicked and kicked until you couldn't anymore.

You did your best, but to no avail.

You then felt your lids starting to get heavy.

The last thing you saw was Yoongi swimming frantically towards you before you were drowned with darkness.

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