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But the feeling didn't last long.

That's why you're currently sitting on the floor, far away from the guy, embarrassed the shit out of you, wishing for the ground to swallow you because of what happened minutes ago.


He then smiled softly, making you nervous and intrigued at the same time.

You blinked once.. twice.. thrice..

And then just like your hands have a life of their own. They moved upwards then pushed the guy infront of you with so much force that he stumbled backwards.

And then you jumped infront of him and slapped his right arm so hard! You slapped him again and again and again!

"Ouch! Ouch! Stop!" He pleaded

"What the heck were you doing you perv!!" You shouted.

"What?! I didn't do anything! Stop!"

"You didn't do anything?" You look at him in disbelief. You were about to slap him again when..

"Stop! You were just.. so beautiful" and that made you halt.

And that was why you were in your position right now, with your face beet red. And the pale guy you're with is pouting while rubbing his arm, glaring at you once in a while.

 And the pale guy you're with is pouting while rubbing his arm, glaring at you once in a while

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You're trying your hardest to ignore him. But you can't focus on the book while someone's shooting daggers in your direction.

You closed your book, sighed and then whispered "I'm sorry"

"Hm? Didn't hear you." He said, still rubbing his abused arm.

"I'm sorry. It's not like it's perfectly normal that the first thing you see when you open your eyes is a face." You whispered.

"Well. Seems normal to me." He said nonchalantly making you groan

Fuck boy

Your stomach rumbles as you opened your phone to message your bestfriend but then there's no signal making you groan.

7pm. Dang we've been here for a day.

"Hungry?" Yoongi asked while standing up

"Y-yeah. Can we go out now?" You asked while watching him open a drawer

"No. My intel said that they're still in the premises." He answered while giving you a Blue Raspberry flavored poptarts

This guy is seriously full of surprises

"Thank you. And how did your intel contact you? There's no signal in here." Your asked with your right brow up as you open the poptart and immediately popping them in your mouth.

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