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Everything was going smoothly.

Even Yoongi.

Specially Yoongi.

One time you were cooking when he just hugged you from behind and placed his head on your shoulder which is kind of romantic, but then he seductively asked what you're cooking then kissed your neck before leaving you to continue your work.

Then there's this time that you were sketching quietly on your bed while he was washing up, when the bathroom door opened to him with just a towel loosely hanging around his hips making you see his toned torso and V line. He then walked towards you like a lion eyeing his prey. You gulped discreetly when he was beside you slowly leaning in... but then he got up quickly. Then you realized that he was just reaching for his phone behind you.

Oh and earlier you were complaining that your back is aching so he made you lay on your stomach to massage the pain away after you showered. Yes! With your top still on! But you can't help but notice how his fingers would subtly graze over your exposed skin whenever your top move upwards.

It drives you crazy. It makes you want to slap and kiss him at the same time.

"Okay! Stop stop! I'm- it- it's okay now Yoongi. It doesn't hurt anymore. Thank you." You said while sitting upright. He just grin smugly at you.

This little devil

He definitely got you on the palm of his hands.

That night you slept feeling a little weird. Like the feeling you got when you go to school. Those times that you feel nervous but you have no idea why, then suddenly there's a surprise test.

Nevertheless you succumb to sleep.

Not long after, you heard a familiar voice calling you in a sing song tone.

"Y/N... Y/N...."

You groaned upon opening your eyes knowing who the voice belonged to and where you are. Thankfully the setting is different, a little cozier. Unlike before, you're in a dark living room with a long fluffy sofa and armchair. The sofa looked comfortable so you sat there almost immediately.

"Can't you atleast give me a warning or something if you're bringing me here?" You said without even seeing the guy yet.

Wait. Where is here? I've been calling this the dark room.

"Well hello to you too, Y/N."

The guy emerges then sat at the armchair infront of you. "Here, my dear, is a visual of my house." He said with a smile

"But.. it's not?"

"Mhmm. You can call it an imaganition. I can change the sceneries however I like, or make things materialize. I technically control everything in here, that's why I can read your mind" He explained

You nodded your head, understanding the situation.

"I haven't seen you for weeks. I was actually beginning to think that it was just a dream."

"Well technically, it is. A dream. But, it's real. I know you know it's real. But may I ask why you didn't say a word to your friends?" Namjoon said with his sharp eyes staring at you

"Because there's a lot of things I have to know yet. Speaking of which. Just for confirmation, are you real? Like.. are you alive in the real world or are you a ghost from the past who's making me remember my ancient memories?" You asked

"Basically, I am a ghost from the past. But yes, I am alive somewhere in the real world. And I know you're going to ask this next, yes, I'm a warlock too."

"Okay. How? Are you.. originally a warlock or it's been passed to you?"

He smiled again, showing his adorable dimples and said "We'll get there, but for now.. let's go retrieve some of your memoies, yes?" then held out his hand.

You muttered an okay then placed your hand on top of his.

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