Tik Tok

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Taehyung was right, the 30 minutes you stood in line just to taste the food was all worth it. Yes, every second of it because the food was amazing! If Lukas hadn't seen Taehyung and you continued to wait for another 30 mins? You wouldn't mind after tasting the food. It's the best you've eaten at Czech yet and you're sure as heck nothing could beat it. Not even a fancy restaurant.

You thanked Lukas all for the wonderful lunch then went your way, leaving Taehyung and him to catch up.

The boys took you to the other tourist spots you haven't seen then before the day ends, right before the sun set, you four took a cab to go to the Old town square.

There's something really interesting there that you shouldn't miss, they said.

You walked towards the Old Town Hall with Yoongi at your left, Jungkook at your right and Jimin beside him.

Ever since Yoongi asked for your heart, you noticed Jimin kind of putting some distance between you two but it's not so much, so you just let it be.

When you arrived at the southern wall, you gasp in awe, your jaw slacked. And it also felt like your feet was suddenly glued to the ground making you freeze on your spot.

There infront of you is the Prague Astronomical Clock.

You were literally speechless

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You were literally speechless.

"Isn't it beautiful Princess? It's been there for 600 years, 608 to be exact. The clock mechanism has three main components: the astronomical dial, representing the position of the Sun and Moon in the sky and displaying various astronomical details; statues of various Catholic saints stand on either side of the clock; "The Walk of the Apostles", a clockwork hourly show of figures of the Apostles and other moving sculptures—notably a figure of Death (represented by a skeleton) striking the time; and a calendar dial with medallions representing the months." Yoongi explained, you can only nod at him.

"According to local legend, the city will suffer if the clock is neglected and its good operation is placed in jeopardy; a ghost, mounted on the clock, was supposed to nod its head in confirmation.

It's also said that the only hope was represented by a boy born on New Year's night. the boy is supposed to run out of the Týn Church across the whole square to the town hall. He has to run very fast to arrive before the last strike of the clock. If he makes it he will quit the skeleton's evil power and avert all the evil." Jimin continued

The story sounds familiar to you, but how? You haven't been there. You haven't even heard of the Astronomical Clock until now, now that you're standing infront of it.

"It's one of the few things left on earth that's older than us. It amazes me that humans managed to keep it." Jungkook said

You can't help but feel the hair on your body stand. There's something about this place that calls you. It made no sense that your breathing started to quicken, you felt your palms getting clammy.

What is this feeling?

Yoongi's hands was instantly holding you. "Princess? What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know." You look at his eyes

I-I really don't know why I'm feeling like this. I don't even know what I'm feeling. What is this.

Hearing Yoongi, the boys stood closer to you.

"What happened?" Jimin asked you

You shook your head, not able to talk.

"She doesn't know." Yoongi said. You noticed that only time that they directly talk to each other's when you are involved.

The feeling was becoming overwhelming that it's like your bones suddenly decided to go to sleep, making you fall. Luckily Yoongi got you before you did.

"Shit Noona. You don't look good. What's wrong? You're scaring us."  Jungkook said.

You feel your energy slowly getting sucked out off you and your eyes getting heavier.

Is this what dying feels like?

You heard Yoongi called you, you know he's holding you but his voice sounded like it's from a distance.

The last thing you heard was the clock striking and then everything went black.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


I refrain from doing this frequently but I just liked you to know that the Prague Astronomical Clock does exist in the Southern Wall of Old Town Hall. It really is 608 years old and is currently under construction that is said to be finished this October 2018. The legend does exist too. Interesting, isn't it?

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