Airport Rendezvous

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It's been days the last time you've seen Yoongi. And even though it's hard for you to admit, more often than not your thoughts flies to the guy with a gummy smile.

Earlier you saw a pale, tall guy that made you stop on your track thinking it was him. And when you buy your lunch, when you saw bacon on the menu, you naturally thought of him in his kitchen with just a pair of boxers on.

Even now that you're working, restoring a painting, you can't help but remember the exquisite paintings in his house.

It's like everything reminds you of him. And whenever you do, there's a faint tingling feeling in your stomach.

Nope nope nope nope. Stop it Y/N

You shook your head aggressively, not noticing that there's a guy behind you. He grabbed your head gently to stop you, making you gasp.

"You'll hurt yourself" the voice said, slowly taking his hands away from you. "And not that I don't trust you because you know I do, but you might ruin the painting if you kept on doing that." The painting that probably cost your whole year salary or even more.

"Uhm. Sorry boss. It won't happen again." You stand to face him then bowed down a little as a sign of sincere apology.

He hummed then sat at the chair infront of you, took your extra tools then started to restore the painting. He sometimes do that, helps you with the work. Not just you but all his staff.

"What were you thinking so hardly about?" He asked

"Uh.. nothing really." You answered while doing your work.

"Boyfriend problem?" He asked making you bite your lower lips

"Ohhhh. Definitely a boy problem" you can basically hear him smirk without even looking at him.

"N-no. It's really not. H-he's not my boyfriend."

"Ohhhh. So IT IS a boy problem." He said.

You groaned. He's never the type to be interested with other person's affair or if he is he never showed it. That is until he brought you out to lunch.

"It's really not serious.. sir."

"Okay. So are you ready for our flight tomorrow?"

And with that, you answered a whooping yes!

When you came home, you double checked your things then tried to sleep early since your flight is at 5am. You'll have to be at the airport at 3.

You woke up at 2, took a bath then went straight to the airport where you'll meet Jimin.

When you arrived, you called him then he instructed you to go to a tech shop he's in. You went there looking for a man in suit, because that's what you always see him wear. But you can't find him.

After circling the shop for probably the third time, you felt someone tap your shoulder so naturally you spun to face the person. Your eyes widen at what you saw.

Park fucking Jimin in a leather jacket.

Sure, you've known that your boss is attractive

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Sure, you've known that your boss is attractive. But him in a leather jacket? Damn, that should be illegal.

You didn't realize that you're blatantly checking him out until he cleared his throat then grin.

"O-oh. G-good morning sir"

"We're out of work Y/N. And Goodmorning too."

You both checked in your luggages then decided to eat breakfast instead of waiting for departing to eat on the plane.

You opted to eat at Starbucks because that's the nearest cafe to the designated departure area. Jimin ordered first then asked you what you want to eat. You got your wallet, about to pay for your food when Jimin insisted that he'll pay.

"What kind of a boss am I if I let you pay for this? Please. Let me."

After the breakfast, you were walking towards the departure area when Jimin suddenly stiffened like a statue. You can't even see if he's breathing at all, making you nervous.

"S- Jimin, is everything all right?" He then breathes deeply. You can swear that he's clenching his jaw.

"I'm fine. Everything's fine." He answered then continued walking to the line.

You're almost entering the departure area when someone called your boss' name, making him stop on his track. The weird thing is, the voice sounds so familiar that your heart started to beat fast.

Jimin ran his hand through his hair, looking annoyed. You spun around to see if you were indeed just hearing things. You were greeted with a guy in whole black outfit with a cap and a face mask.

He slowly lowered his mask, showing the face you've been searching through the crowds for days

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He slowly lowered his mask, showing the face you've been searching through the crowds for days.

"Hello there Princess" He said with a smile

What are the odds?

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I'm kinda lost where I'd like the story line to go but I'm trying to brew something here :)

Is this chapter boring? Let me knowww.

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