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You glaced at Jungkook. Who's being headlock at the moment, looking at you with concern in his eyes. He elbowed the blondie hard making the other guys loosen the grasp on him. He was going to run towards you when the guy was going to throw a punch on Jungkook.

"J-jungkook! Your b-back!" You whimper-shouted

You heard laughter above you making you glare at him. That's the least you can do. He crouched down and suddenly grasp your hair tightly again making you scream.

"That's more I like it, pretty girl. Scream! Scream!"

You didn't want to look weak but the pain was overwhelming that tears fall from your eyes. The guy laughed in your face with no pity on his face. He looks like he enjoys every bit of it.

"Oh comeon. Don't cry." He said feighning concern while cupping your face with his other hand. You shook your head away from it.

"Stop moving" he said, grabbing your hair tighter. But you didn't listen, you won't, you'd never.

"I said stop moving!" He roared. When you saw his other hand slowly going to smack your face again, you shivered. You closed your tear filled eyes, braising yourself for the impact.

But it didn't come.

The next thing you knew you heard the black haired guy groan and you were being lifted on the ground by a smaller frame.

You opened your eyes slowly to see Yoongi staring back at you with pain and regret in his eyes. He didn't even have to say anything, it's all written on his face.

"I-I'm f-fine Y-Yoongi." You said, unconsciously shaking.

There's another loud groan making you snap at it's direction but Yoongi stopped you, putting your head on his chest "You don't wanna see that, Princess" he whispered

There was silence for a little while.

Then like there's a wire snapped in Jungkook "What the fucking hell took you two so long? Where the fuck were you two that you didn't even heard the loud ass noice coming from this room?! Y/N was on a verge of.. if something happened to her. God. If something did happen to her because of me.. I won't be able to face you hyungs again."

You shook your head from Yoongi's hand to peek at Jungkook and you saw Jimin standing beside the erupting man.

"I'm f-fine Jungkook. Thank you for protecting me, I wouldn't still be alive if it wasn't for you. And Jimin and Yoongi too." You said

"But I didn't.. You were thrown, grabbed by the hair and slapped because I couldn't protect you." Jungkook said then sighed, his head down and his shoulder slumped. You felt Yoongi grew rigged because of what he said.

You told Yoongi to bring you down. You gingerly walk towards Jungkook, every step you take sends pain towards your whole body but you tried not to show it. For Jungkook. For everyone of them.

You held his face "Look at me Jungkook."

He slowly brought his head up, he inhaled sharply upon seeing your bruised cheek and bloodied side lip.

"I'm in pain, yes. I wouldn't lie about that. But I'm alive, mainly because of you.. So don't beat yourself because of these bruises, they'll heal in no time. Okay?" You said then enveloped him in a hug. Which he returned.

"Okay. But we have to go now noona, we don't know if they sent back ups. And you two, we'll talk later."


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