Wingardium Leviosa

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Arriving at what you assume as the basement, a familiar scent filled your nostrils. You inhaled deeply, knowing in your heart what the smell is. Your anxiousness calmed down by the wonderful smell and the warmth it brought.


You can't help but gasped in awe when the lights turned on, the place looks like it belongs to those storybooks you read when you were a child.

There infront of you, are 2 floors of bookshelves that's full of books that you can call it a library. Your idea of heaven!

Upon seeing your reaction, Yoongi gave you a small smile and sat on the sofa near the shelves, motioning you to join him

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Upon seeing your reaction, Yoongi gave you a small smile and sat on the sofa near the shelves, motioning you to join him. You walked towards him and sat on the other sofa while still looking at the surrounding.

He didn't struck me as a bookworm type

"So uhm.. What happened there?" You said pointing upstairs

He sighed then looked at the ceiling. Looking like he's contemplating what to say.

And contemplating, he is. If he tells you the truth, it meant that he has to tell you something he's been keeping to a close circle for a very long time. He's not entirely sure if you're ready to know. No, he's actually a hundred percent positive that you aren't. You two literally just met, so it's too early.

"It's.. bulgars." He said

You expect me to believe that?

You raised your left eyebrow, questioning his answer.

"Yes bulgars. There's a handful of awful incidents here in the area. My neighbor even lost his tree the other day. Like the whole tree. That's how intense they are." He continued

Why is he lying? What does he have to hide?

"Mhmm.." is the only thing you said

You let the silence engulf you two. It's actually comforting considering the situation you're in. You were lost in your own world, thinking of how to explain to your bestfriend where you were and what happened. You were formulating exactly how you're going to say it but then you remembered that the bitch left you first.

Never mind then..

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot" Yoongi said, breaking the silence. What he did next made furrow your eyebrows together. He stood up then kneeled before you. But before you can say anything, he got something from his pocket. He then took your right foot, stretched it from side to side that made you winced a little and then he placed a bandage on it.

He looked too focused and it's not everyday that a handsome man kneels in front of you so you just kept your mouth shut.

"There. All done" He said while smiling. Looking proudly at his work like it's a masterpiece.

 Looking proudly at his work like it's a masterpiece

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"I uh. Thank you." You said

"Would you like to read some books? I think we'd be here for a while.." Yoongi said

He sensed you panic a little then said "Just to be really sure that they're already gone."

"Uh. Okay.. mind if I roam around?" You asked

"No. Please do. Just be careful not to put pressure on your right foot. And oh, here" he said while placing his own slippers infront of your feet

"N-no! It's fine!" You embarrasedly declined

"Please. I insist." He said while kneeling infront of you again. Taking your foot one at a time and placing it in his slippers that are waay too big for your feet.

You thanked him then quickly proceeded to check out what books he have to run from the awkwardness your feeling.

After browsing his collection for awhile, you realized that most of the books are classics. Most of it are even limited editions, vintages that looks like its going to fall off if you open it. You look at it in awe, swiping your hand gently on the covers but not daring to take it out. Because you know how hard it is to get those books and how much it costs.

You settled for the new books. You sat down, making yourself comfortable. You were about to open it when the guy beside you talked.

"Didn't thought of you as a Harry Potter type of girl." He said then smirked

"Well. You don't seem the type to be in to it either." You said

"Touché" He said then let you read in peace.

You lost yourself on the book. Imagining each and every scenario, feeling like you're living what your reading. And the next thing you knew was your head is laying on the arm rest then someone placed a blanket on you. You didn't even bother to open your eyes, continuing your nap.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

You woke up from your slumber from a comforting feeling on your head, making you hum.

You slowly opened your eyes and immediately regretted your action. Yoongi's face is so close to yours that you can feel his breathe on you.

Like you've been slapped, you suddenly feel wide awake, heat is slowly creeping through your face. Saying you were shocked is an understatement. But contradicting to your reaction, Yoongi just stare at your eyes, more like your soul, for a few seconds while tracing your face. You didn't move, you're even doubting if you're breathing. And just like you're in a trance, you slowly relaxed.

You just stared back at him, straight to his cat like eyes. What confuses you is that you're letting a stranger stare at you intimately. That never happened before. It takes a lot of time for you to open up or get close to anyone but it's not even a day that you met this guy and you're already letting him trespass your personal space.

He then smiled softly, making you nervous and intrigued at the same time.

He then smiled softly, making you nervous and intrigued at the same time

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