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For dinner, Yoongi took you to Lal Qila. A hole in the wall looking restaurant from the outside and breathtakingly cozy inside. It looks like a secret chamber with stone wall design. It's looks like nothing you've been to. The light is dimmed, making the place feel a tad bit romantic.

You would've never guess that the place offers authentic Indian cuisine by just the look of it. But it was truelly a different experience. And the food was insanely good.

By the time you went back to the hotel, you were already so drained

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By the time you went back to the hotel, you were already so drained. You lazily dragged yourself to shower. And when you finished, Yoongi showered.

As you were laying on the bed, your phone dinged. You got a message from Jimin saying that the conference tomorrow would be at 10am and you should be ready by 7 am sharp if you'd like to have a breakfast first.

As you were replying to Jimin saying that breakfast would be great, Yoongi got out of the shower, thankfully dressed. He closed the lights then layed down the bed, immediately scooting close to you under the duvet.

"No bolster tonight?" He said

"Yeah. It didn't refrain you keeping your hands to yourself last night, why bother." You replied then yawned.

He chuckled then rolled to face you, making you feel his breath. You shivered involuntarily.

"Cold?" He asked while arranging the duvet to cover you til your neck. Even though he knew he was the reason.

You hummed as an answer, getting a little heavy lided. You thought of the day, how it was nothing but perfect. The foods were amazing, the places were breath taking and the tour guide was very patient and informative. He's like a walking encyclopedia and you love it.

You rolled to face him, looked at his eyes then said "Thank you for today Yoongi. I really appreciate it."

He smiled tiredly then said "Anything for you, Princess"

You suddenly remembered the tensed aura between him and Jimin. Your curiosity got the best of you so you asked him in whisper "What happened to you and Jimin?"

He was silent for a few minutes, just looking at you. He sighed then answered "I can't tell you the full details yet Princess. But... Jimin and I, we were good friends. I actually like to think that we still are. There's just unresolved issues between us.."

You can see that he cares for the guy. But whatever happened must be a big deal for their friendship to be scarred.

"I understand.. and whatever did happen, I hope you two will eventually make up." You said

"I hope so too Princess, I hope so too.." he said looking sad.

You touch his cheek with your hand then rubbed it gently then smiled "I'm sure you two would". The action was too intimate for you, (even though you two already kissed) but you felt the need to do it.

You told him that you have work the next day so you'll be leaving early and you don't know what time you'll be back. Thankfully, he has something in his schedule too. He'll be meeting with a friend so it's all good.

That night you fell asleep with your head pressed onto Yoongi's chest that you can hear his heartbeat like a lullaby and his arm holding your waist tightly.

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