Caramel Macchiato

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It's your day off. Not wanting to do anything, you just lay on your bed, looking at the ring he gave you, thinking of what happened in Hawaii..


It's been three weeks.. three weeks of not seeing even the shadow of Yoongi.

Not a call, not a text, nothing.

Your life was back to the routine of waking up just to go to work that you love. It's the only reason you even get out of your house these days. And then coming back home to an empty house, cooking yourself dinner, fidgeting with your phone or reading a book. Then falling asleep whilst thinking about the guy with a cat like eyes.

You thought that you were able to hide your feelings well. But no.

Your boss sees it. He saw the way how you smile at your coworkers whenever they're around you, and sulks whenever you thought no one's watching.

He saw how the spring on your steps had gradually turned to dragging your feet.

He saw how the light in your eyes dimmed.

But he did not only saw you, but saw Yoongi as well.

He saw how he turned from someone lively, someone with a purpose, to someone that's just living day by day.

He saw how he suddenly just gaze at nothing in particular when their with their friends.

He didn't know what happened right after the saving mission. But he did know, and he can see, that it's slowly eating you both.

And he doesn't want that.

So now that it's your day off, he rang your phone with a plan on his mind.


Your phone rang, cutting your thoughts off.

You took it immediately, hoping that it's him. You can't help the disappointment you felt when you saw the caller.

"Yes Jimin?"

"Oh hello to you to Y/N." His melodious voice a little more lively than the usual, making you furrow your brow.

Your relationship with Jimin had turned from strictly professional to a friendly one so you can voice out your opinions more freely now.

But in the office, you still treat him as your boss.

You groaned then said "What do you want? I'm resting boss. Do you need me on the office now?"

"No. I'm actually hoping for you to accompany me today. I have to buy a birthday present for a friend and I need your fashion advice.. Pretty please?" You can practically see him pouting

You actually never thought that your hot boss that you're drooling over before could actually be a cute little mochi when he wanted to. That is until you and his friend dated...

You shook your head, snapping yourself together.

Any distraction would be a good idea right now.

"Okay. Where should we meet?"


You calmly walked towards the address of the cafe he sent you. Currently just sporting a casual attire; an oversized white shirt, a denim short and a white sneakers.

You texted him "I'm here" before opening the door to the cafe.

The windchimes clinked while you put your phone on your pocket. You then stood in line to order for your drink; Caramel Macchiato.

When you got your order, you spun around to look for a vacant seat.

Whilst doing it, you saw something that took all the air out of your lungs.

You couldn't believe it.

There sitted the guy you've been missing, the guy you've been dreaming of.. looking at you.

You wanted you ran to him, you wanted to touch his face, you wanted to feel his embrace, you wanted to kiss those lips..

But your feet seemed to be glued on the ground.

So you two continued staring at each other.

You continued the stare off, noticing that he's slowly getting nearer and nearer towards you but you made no advances.

He stopped a feet away from you, still looking at you the way he always does.. like you're the only one in the cafe. Like you're the only girl in the world.

The type of stare that made your stomach filled with butterflies.

Not that you'd ever know, but that's what he feels about you too.

"Hi.." he whispered

"Hello.." you whispered back

"How are you?"
"How have you been?" You both said at the same time making you both giggle a little.

Yoongi rubbed his nape then said "I'm guessing Jimin asked you to meet you here?"

You nodded "I'm guessing you too?"

"Mhmm. Would you.. like to sit with me?" He asked while pointing the vacant chair beside where he was sitting.

You gulped then answered "Sure. Why not"

The first few minutes was the most awkward moments for you two. Both are still testing the water, you both didn't know how to keep a conversation going. Until you said the thing you both wanted to hear without you even thinking about it, it just roll out of your tongue.

"I missed you.."


But the next instant, you were wrapped tightly in his arms.

"I.. I miss you too. I miss you every hour, every minute, every second of the day.. you don't know how many times I just stood infront of your door, knowing that if I knock, you would've answered. I could've seen you..

But I had to resolve my issues first.

For you, for us.."

His breathing getting deep. He's trying hard to not breakdown infront of all these people on the cafe.

But in contrary to him, just feeling his embrace made your eyes water.

"And did you?.. resolved your issues?" You whispered

"I can't say that yet.. but seeing you now after knowing what it feels like without having you by my side made me realize that I'd rather want us working on this together than not even seeing your face.."

You snuggled onto him more, the tears falling freely from your eyes.

He looked at your tear filled eyes and wipe the tears away then said

"Would you give me another chance? Would you... take me back.. Princess?"

Without missing a beat, you grabbed his face and kissed him roughly on the lips, tasting the saltiness from your tears.

"Thought you'd never ask."

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