Pillow talk

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You woke up feeling strangely comfortable in a bed, a super soft bed if you must say. You roll to the side without opening your eyes then snuggled a pillow, a strangely warm one. You put your arms, legs and head over it.

Hmm? Why is it hard?

You patted the hard pillow, but hearing chuckles made you stop. Then it suddenly talked. Yes, the pillow talked!

"Princess. Your hands are slowly getting to the danger zone."

That made you shot your eyes open. First thing you saw is a piece of clothing. You're clutching a piece of clothing. With a body inside it!

You snapped your head upwards so fast, making you regret your decision immediately. Because you're inches away from a smirking Yoongi with his arms under his head while watching you.

Your eyes went wide then looked downwards, where you saw that you're still clutching on him! You roll to the other side so fast that you fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"Oh princess. We've just met.. like twice? but you've already fallen for me?"

Well shit.

You groaned while siting yourself up, glaring at him. You're about to snap at him when you remembered that he saved you. Again.


The look on your face softened. You might think that you'd be super freaked out if you witness someone lit a fire through his hands. But strangely, you just felt safe and even more intrigued with the man infront of you.

"Why aren't you afraid?" He asked

You just shrugged while still sitting on the floor. You look at the man watching you with as much intense gaze that you're giving him. You look from his eyes, to his nose to his lips. Taking in every detail your eyes permits you to see.

"What are you?" You whispered


He sighed then ran his hands through his hair, having an inner battle with himself if he's going to tell you or not. If he decided not to, he can just erase your memory from last night.

But he doesn't want that. He was surprised that you weren't running away from him when you woke up like he expected you to. So for the first time in a really really long time, he let his selfishness ran wild.

He wants you to stay, he wants to get to know you more, he wants you to trust him for you made his heart beat again. It scared the shit out of him but he wasn't going to let this chance for him to be happy, just pass by. So even though it's risky, not just for him but for his whole clan. He decided do give his heart what it wants.

"Before I answer that. I'm going to tell you a story."

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