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You woke up feeling a little hot. You furrowed your brows trying to figure out what's wrong with the temperature with your still fuzzy mind because you remembered shivering from the cold ass air condition last night, when you felt arms holding you tight on the waist.

Your eyes shot open then tried to wiggle your way out of his hold making him groan "Stop it princess"

You liked the feeling of being spooned to be honest.. But you won't admit it as of the moment. Not yet, even though he already knows it.

You wiggled harder, wanting (not really) to escape from his cage. And then you felt something poking your back area making you halt your actions, even your breathing stopped.

You felt the temperature increased even more and you can swear your face is beet red now.

"I warned you. Why do you never listen." Yoongi sighed and when he took his arms from you, You immediately got up, took your phone  and some fresh clothes then ran off to the bathroom to immediately escape the awkward situation.

After showering you texted Jimin, inviting him for breakfast. A few minutes later he replied "I'm out already. Work will start tomorrow so enjoy your free day today.

Is he still upset?

After you finished blow drying your hair, you went back to the room that to your surprise is now vacant. You didn't even heard the door opened.


But your mundane mind thought that maybe it's because of the blow dryer that's why you didn't.

You checked your outfit for the day, a red checkered tube, ruffled skirt set and a tan strappy sandals. You giddly applied light makeup then set up your camera for the day's adventure. As you were about to open the door, the closet burst open. With lights coming from it! Making you scream.

You shakingly ran for the door and as you were about to open it.

"Wow. That tone was so high. Haven't you thought of being a singer Princess?"

You turned around wide eyed. It's clearly impossible that he was just hanging inside the closet.

Did he just pull a Narnia?

"Uh.. I wouldn't think of it like that, but yes. Kind of."

When you can feel your body, you immediately held your bag and threw it on him where he effortlessly caught. "You fucking scared me" You said

"That's why I teleported to the closet. Imagine if I suddenly materialize beside you. You would've fainted." He said then rolled his eyes.

How dare you roll your eyes on me. I would've poke your eyes if it wasn't so pretty. Ugh.

He grinned making you glare at him.

"Com'on Princess, lets not waste time arguing here. I'll be your tour guide today, but my services wouldn't be free." He said then smiled mischievously making you decline him.

"No thank you. I'd rather depend on internet." You said making him scoff.

You opened the door and went out of the hotel where you were greeted by fresh air.

"Oh come on. It wouldn't be expensive Princess."

"No thank you-" you were supposed to decline, but hearing the people talking outside. Using Slavic language lowered your confidence.

"What's wrong? Feeling intimadated Princess?"

You pouted then said "What is it you want as payment?"

"Grant me a wish." He answered in a heartbeat

"A wish? You have everything you could ever wanted." Even me.

With that, he held your hand making you stiffen a little. You can't just get used to skinship that fast.

He smiled so genuinely making your heart warm and fuzzy. He then said "Is it a deal then? I won't be making a wish like right now."

"Fine" You whispered. It would be so much easier to travel with someone you know. And growing to know more.

"Okay. You owe me one wish Princess, no return no exchange. Now to seal the deal, give me a kiss." He said the pouted while pointing his lip making you snort.

"What? That's how you make a deal with an immortal." He said

You grabbed his hand walking towards the city, ignoring what he said. How dare he ask for a kiss when you two haven't established what your relationship is.

He suddenly hugged you from behind then whispered "We will when the time comes Princess, it's just.. there's a lot of things you don't know about me. It's my way of giving you a chance to walk away.."

Then make me, make me know you more.

"When you're ready.. but for now, let's enjoy this country! Breakfast?" And with that, your stomach growled making Yoongi laugh.

 but for now, let's enjoy this country! Breakfast?" And with that, your stomach growled making Yoongi laugh

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