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The flight back home was uneventful since it's 6 in the morning and everyone; meaning you, Yoongi and Jimin is drained out from drinking last night so you all just slept on the plane.

The two other boys didn't have to fly back because they portaled to Czech, which got you jealous and at the same time, not. Jealous, because they'll arrive there in more or less 5 mins. And not, because the after effect is so much worse than flying for 12 hours.

Everything went smoothly upon landing at the airport. You got your luggages and was going to  stand at the taxi lane when Yoongi grabbed you "What are you doing Princess?"

"Uhh. In line for a cab?" You said while your eyerbrows raised

"Wait here." He said, leaving you beside Jimin.

"Where's he going?" You asked Jimin and before he can even answer, a black mustang bullit parked infront of you two.

He drove Jimin home first making you see your boss' house for the first time, and daaaang you were awestruck. It's a three story mansion with a Japanese inspired architecture, itmade you curious as to how it looked inside but you'll feel bad for Yoongi if you don't go home yet. He may be a warlock, but he looks like he could use a rest.

After exchanging goodbyes and goodnights, even the boys exchanged ones, making you feel a little giddy inside. The trip was definitely the band aid their friendship needed. It's not mended completely, but still, it's a progress.

You two went to your way. You were jamming to a maroon 5 song when Yoongi asked "Your place or mine?" making you halt your actions completely

You blinked your eyes for a moment, trying to figure out what he meant.. Like, you guys are together but it doesn't mean what you think it is.. right? You've been official for like four days!

"Oh Princess. What would I do with you? That's definitely not what I meant. But.. if that's what you want.. why not?" He said then wiggles his brows at you, making you laugh. You punch him lightly for his silliness

"But seriously, It's just not safe for you to be alone. Not after everything that happened. I don't want to leave you alone. Princess" He pouted then entwined your hands then gave yours some feathery kisses.

You weight the choices for a moment.

If you went to Yoongi's house, it would be much bigger than yours, but that would make you feel like you're being a burden. At your house you'd be able to atleast feed him.

"Princess, you're never and would never be a burden to me."

"Fine.. but still, can we stay at my place?"

"Your wish is my command" he said then stomped down the gas pedal making the car roar along with you heart.

Upon arriving at your apartment, Yoongi portaled to his house to leave his used clothes and bring clean ones.

You on the other hand ordered chinese, went to shower and just right after the delivery guy rang your doorbell, Yoongi walked out of your bedroom in a white shirt and grey sweatpants.

Oh the glorious light grey sweatpants.

He opened the door, got the food and insisted on paying for it since he'll be staying at your house for a while. And because you are hungry borderline getting hangry, you let him.

That night you fell asleep while cuddling the one who had magically grabbed your heart and you wouldn't want it any other way.

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