Boxers & Bacons

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Suddenly like answering your question, the door opened then emerge the mysterious stranger from last night wearing nothing but boxer shorts.

"Oh hey, you're up" he said crossing his arms, leaning on the door frame while looking at you like it's perfectly normal to be talking to you with just that small piece of clothing.

Your eyes got so wide it looks like it's going to pop. Your mind trying to remember last night's events. Surely you didn't slept with him. Right? You're not that kind of girl, Right? You wouldn't give your first on a stranger without being conscious, RIGHT?

You checked under the blanket and sighed in relief when you saw you're still wearing your clothes from last night.

The pale guy chuckled at your actions, getting your attention.

"Don't worry, I'm not the type of guy to take advantage of a drunk woman. No matter how attractive she is. Where's the fun in that?" He tilted his head then smirked.

You don't know what made your face heat up, the embarrassment of your assumption or his sly compliment.

"Come on princess, I made breakfast." He said while getting out of the room.

You slowly worked your way out of the bed and room. And by slowly, like really slooooowly. Since the throbbing on your head is still there. You felt like being shot when you stepped on the floor.

Shit. I might have sprained my ankle.

You stopped walking and take in your surrounding, and dang the pale guy's house is huge. The color is monochrome. Black, grey and whites can be seen with a little silver and a little gold on some spots. Three words to describe the place; sleek, luxe and masculine. Just being there makes you feel out of place.

The pale guy chuckled while watching you intently in your wild and messy bed hair while you're roaming your eyes to every corner of the living room

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The pale guy chuckled while watching you intently in your wild and messy bed hair while you're roaming your eyes to every corner of the living room.

You furrowed your brows to the sound of laughter. And looked at the clearly amused guy that's sitting on the dining area. Still topless.

What's his deal, seriously?

But his laughter stopped when he realized you've been limping.

You sat on the dining area facing him, anxiousness is evident in every fiber of your being. But you try to play it cool. Luckily there's a lot of food infront of you to distract you a little. There's sunny side up, toasts, soup and bacon. The sight made you salvate but you're quite not sure if you can eat be it that you're head is throbbing and there's a well sculpted adonis in front of you.

"Do I make you nervous, princess?" He asked while putting his head on his hands. His voice getting more deeper.

Who wouldn't. You're not wearing a freaking shirt, and pants while we're at it.

"Can't you put on some clothes?" You said, not looking at him

"Aha, so she speaks. What? I am wearing clothes." He said

You snorted. Still not looking at him.

"Go on princess, eat."

You opted to drink the soup first, in attempt to cure your hangover. You're not expecting too much about the food. But when it hit your tastebuds, the wonderful flavor danced on your tongue making you moan in satisfaction. Completely forgetting the throbbing on your head.

"Stop it princess, don't start something you can't finish" You confusedly looked at him.

Your innocence made him smile. And shook his head as if to say "it's nothing".

"This is really good, I'm surprised." You said

"That's not the only thing I'm good at" he said

You looked at him again, not getting what he's trying to say

"Wanna know what else I'll be good at doing?" He said in a soothing tone.

You arched your left eyebrow and said "What?"


You choked on your soup. Earning a full pleadge laughter on the guy infront of you.

"Aww. Look how red you've become. I'm not even doing anything, yet."

You can swear that your face is beet red by this time.

"Stop it." You said

"Only if you tell me your name."

You mentally argued with yourself if you're going to tell him or not. But since he took you under his roof, you decided he earned the right to know.

"Y/N" you whispered

"Hmm Y/N. Pretty name for a pretty girl."

"What about you?" You asked while taking a bite of bacon.

"Yoongi. Min Yoongi."


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