Forget me not

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This time you were brought into a flower field that's splashed with colors blue, purple and lavender.

You didn't even tried to conceal your amazement. It was unlike anything you've seen before.

"Do you like it?" Namjoon said to you

"I.. I love it." You said a little breathless, still in a daze at how beautiful the rows and rows of flowers looked.

You were about to ask him why he brought you there when you heard laughters. High pitched, from the heart type of laughter. Then you saw them, the past you and Namjoon running around the field. Chasing each other like they didn't have a care in the world.

When the past Namjoon caught the past you, he took his hands around her waist and lifted her up then twirled her which made her laugh even more.

They look so genuinely happy that you kind of feel guilty for watching their moment. It felt like reading someone else's diary. Even technically, it's yours too.

They then walked hand in hand towards a swing where he made her sit then muttered that he'll be back in a second.

She then calmly sat there, swinging it gently while looking around the field with a twinkle in her eyes and a smile on her face.

Not long after, Namjoon from the past got back then knelt infront of her while hiding something behind his back.

"M'Lady. Allow me to give you something in exchange for bestowing me this chance to be of your company this afternoon." He said then gently took out what he's hiding making her gasp.

" He said then gently took out what he's hiding making her gasp

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"Oh it's gorgeous, Namjoon. You're too kind." She said while accepting the handmade bouquet

"Do you know what flower this is M'Lady?"

She shook her head "I'm afraid not. Would you care to tell me?"

"It's called forget-me-not, it means... true love. It also meant faithful love full of memories that is never to be forgotten...

That's what I want with you M'Lady. If you'd allow me to?" He looked at her with hopeful eyes

She tilted her head then a sweet smile gently emerged from her face "If anybody else have heard what you just said they would've thought that you're asking for my hand, not a permission for courtship."

"I believe that's where we're heading, if you just allow me to court you M'Lady." He said, still kneeling infront of him

And when she agreed, he suddenly jumped. Looking like he won the lottery. He looked so happy and they're not technically in a relationship yet, he's just starting to court her.

Oh I wish I could take a video of this and show it to the man of the modern world.

Then you were back again at the dark room, sitting at the sofa, where it was silent for a moment. Because you were absorbing what you saw, and Namjoon was just patiently looking at you.

You lift your head gently to catch his eye then said "So.. you and me? We were a thing?" While pointing on yourself and him.

He chuckled then nodded "Yes. We were.. a thing."

"Is that why you're making me remember?"

With that he smiled at you but his smile didn't quite reached his eyes "A part of it. But, most importantly, you'd have to remember your root Y/N."

"Don't get me wrong because I'm enjoying our trip to the memory lane. But.. why?"

You saw him inhaled deeply then answered "In due time, Y/N. I promise everything will make sense in due time. But for now, maybe we can have one more trip before I bring you back hmm?"

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