Darth Vader

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You can't stop staring at him and he won't stop staring at you too. Little did you know that both of you are slowly.. inch by inch.. leaning towards each other.

Then you heard a gasp, breaking the spell. Making you both jump.

"Oh shoot. Uhm. Continue." Jungkook said, smiling awkwardly then ran as fast as he had ruin the moment.

You feel your face heating up making you bite your lower lips, unsure of what to do or what to say. You take a peak at Yoongi and what you saw surprised you.

He was also.. blushing while scratching his head.

He cleared his throat and said "Uhh

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He cleared his throat and said "Uhh. L-let's go to the living area" then walked immediately, not waiting for your answer.

Did he just stammered?

He's always so confident, so intimidating and so flirty that seeing his shy side made you smile.

When you arrived at the living area, Jungkook was already sitting at the center sofa, looking like a regal.

"Oh hey. How was your uhh.. discussion?" He said then smirked.

"It was fine.. until you came" Yoongi said making Jungkook gasp exaggeratedly

"Well it's not my fault you're at the hallway" Jungkook said then shrugged

They continued bickering for a few minutes, meanwhile you sat silently, trying not to listen to the nonsense arguement they're having.

When they stopped, Jungkook bid you goodbye then left. Leaving you and Yoongi alone in his big ass mansion.

Nobody said anything for a second so you decided to start the conversation.

"So uh. Wow. You have a really nice place." You said

Yep Y/N. That wasn't awkward at all. Yep. Totally. Not. Awkward.

"It is though." Yoongi said

"Huh? What do you m-"

"What you said. It was awkward, like totally awkward"

Did he just.. read my mind?

You looked at him wide eyed.

"Yes I did." He said making you gasp.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Is this harder to believe than I can produce fire with my hands?" He said, clearly amused.

Well true... okay. Let's try him out, just to be sure.

He arched his eyebrow. Challenging you.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers-

Yoongi laughed out loud then said "Oh my gosh! You're really something. Peter Piper? Seriously?"

"What? I just want to be sure." You said defending your weird ol self. But you realized that if he really can read minds, then he knows what you're thinking of, whenever you're with him!

"Yes princess. I apologize, although I didn't mean to but that's correct."

You groaned then hide your face to your palms, wanting the ground to swallow you. He knows every single thing you were thinking, from the weird stuff that randomly pops to your mind like how the waiter from the restaurant you've been to look like a tanned Donald Trump to the thirsty ass comments you think about him! Embarrassment will be an understatement of what you're feeling at the moment.

"Hey. Don't be embarrassed of your thoughts. They're pretty entertaining if I'm going to be completely honest with you. Like seriously, a tanned Trump?" He said trying not to laugh, that's very evident on his voice making you glare at him.

"Ah. There she is." He said while smiling warmly at you.

How the hell can you get mad at him if his looking at you like that? Even if he knows every thought you have. Even in this moment that you're thinking about this. His smile grew wider. He definitely read your thoughts, making you groan again.

"Stop please." You whined

"Sorry, I can't. Even if I wanted to." He smiled looking a little sad.

It's not like it's his choice.. or is it?

You pulled yourself together then asked him "So.. what are you really?"

"I am your father" He said

"Starwars. seriously? Wait what. Are you... an alien?"

"Pft no. How the hell can someone as fine as me be an alien? And Darth Vader is not an alien Princess." He said, making you roll your eyes. It got you thinking that shouldn't be these type of conversation be a little more serious.

You then felt the air suddenly shifted. From light to eerie.

"Fine. Serious talk it is. But you have to promise me that you won't tell anybody about this." He said

"I promise." You said while looking into his eyes.

I promise I won't tell a single soul about it. I owe you that much for saving me.

He bit his lips then inhaled deeply.

"I'm a warlock"

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