Unforeseen Circumstances

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An hour before work is over, you noticed that the time is passing by slower than ever. Like it's mocking you.

It's like the hands are slowly ticking just to test your emotional quotient, specially your patience.

You tried to focus on the piece that you're working on but to no avail. You kept on glancing towards the clock, slowly frustrating you.

Alas, the time you've been waiting for came!

You quickly organized your stuff, grabbed your bag, say goodbye to your workmates and your smirking boss.

Making you want to kick him on his other shin and hug him again tightly at the same time.

You immediately went to the building lobby and not long after, a familiar car stopped infront of you.

The gorgeous driver retracted himself from the car and being the gentleman that he is, opened the passenger's door for you making you smile.

You can never get used to how he makes you feel like.. well, a Princess.

He then quickly situated himself on his seat then suddenly pulled you in for a breathtaking kiss, stunning the shit out of you.

When you both had enough, he placed his forehead on yours while catching his breath.

"Well hello to you too Yoongibear." You said panting

"Oh.. Yoongibear. I like that.. I like that a lot.. But can you blame me? I missed you Princess"

"I missed you too.." you said in a heartbeat

You noticed that there's a flush beggining to from on his cheeks, you held his face with your both hands. Caressing the blushing area then you leaned in for another kiss.


Instead of driving straight home, he drove you to a quaint looking restaurant, saying that you'll love it.

And boy did he not disappoint.

You stood there at the entrance with your eyes wide and your mouth agape upon opening the door.

You can see that the place is fine dining, but that's not the thing that wowed you.

It's the theme and the interior of the place. There were rows and rows of shelves, stacked with so much books that it looks like a library.

A library with polished table, chair and silverware. It's definitely a book worm's heaven! You cannot wait to see their collection.

"When I saw this place weeks ago, it reminded me of you." Yoongi whispered to your ears, making the hair on your arms stand up.

When will he ever stop this.. teasing? When you crack? Because you're sure as hell it wouldn't take that long.

He chuckled at your thought making you bite your bottom lip.

Damn it

He placed his hand on your lower back and guided you towards the table he probably reserved then pulled out your chair, making you sit on it before he sat on the chair infront of you.

"Before you even open a page on a book here, let's have our dinner first hmm?" He said

You both ordered steak, medium rare.

It didn't take long for the food to arrive. The aroma filling your nose, tickling your senses and making your mouth salivate.

So without further ado, you stuffed your mouth with it.

You may feel like a pig whenenever you eat like a scavenger, like what Jungkook said. But it makes Yoongi's heart swell whenever he sees you eating so well.

You don't eat half heartedly. You eat like it's the best thing ever. You hum, you groan, you dance and you even moan at times. It makes him want to buy you everything you wanted to eat.

It makes him want to take a video of you so bad and play it all day everyday at his customized 370 inches television at the theater room of his home.

Not that you'll approve of it.

After the scrumptious dinner, you ate dessert while talking about how you day went. Just like before.

When you both finished, you practically dragged Yoongi out of his chair. Speed walking towards the shelves to see what the place have in store for you.

He chuckled at your childlike behavior, bringing you here was definitely a good idea.

You browse the collection with so much eagerness. Reading the book titles columns after columns, books after books.

While Yoongi just stood at the side, watching you with a smile on his face.

You went to the next row of shelves, about to start browsing when you suddenly feel a familiar tug. More like a familiar aura.

But you can't point it out.

It feels like it's calling you. Just not by words, it's like there's an invisible thread between you and the source. Slowly pulling you towards it.

So you did. You walked and walked, not even sparing a glance at the books anymore.

Yoongi asked you what's wrong but you just continued walking. You didn't even answer him.

And when you reached the last row of that shelves, what you saw made you gasp out loud.

You cannot believe your eyes.

There stood with a book on his hand, the guy you half guessed that was just a fragment of your mind. The guy you doubt if he's just a part of your imagination.

The guy you thought you'd never see in flesh.

"Namjoon?" His name spilled out of your lips before you even know it.

He brought the book back into the shelf and gently look then walked towards you

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He brought the book back into the shelf and gently look then walked towards you.

He then smiled, showing his endearing dimples.

"We finally met, Y/N." Placing his hand infront of you.

You were about to shake his hand when Yoongi spoke, making you halt.

"Y-you" He whispered.

When you glanced towards him, you saw that his eyebrows are furrowed, his jaw clenched and his eyes running wild while looking at Namjoon.

Namjoon looked at Yoongi then. His smile even widening.

"It's been awhile, Min Yoongi."


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