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You can see the boys trying so hard to divert your thoughts from the mysterious stranger so you let them. You listened from Taehyung's travel stories to Jungkook's love affairs as he calls it. You beg to differ though, how can you call a one week fling and hookups a love affair? Anyway, whatever floats his boat.

You were in line for the past 30 minutes when Taehyung suddenly ran pass you to bear hug a middle age man.

"Everyone this is my friend Lukas, Lukas this is everyone" Taehyung said making everyone including Lukas chuckle.

"A pleasure to meet you everyone. But really Taehyung you should've told me that you'll come. I could've reserved a table for you and your friends."

"Hey it's okay really. We're customers too, just like everyone in this line." He said while patting his friend's back

"But I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. So please, come with me. Let me take you to my home, Lunch is on me." Lukas said. Taehyung was supposed to reject but Lukas insisted so you just followed him.

Thankfully his house isn't that far from his restaurant because

A. You're hungry af

B. You're hungry af and

C. You're hungry af

You arrived at a 3 story house with a beautiful garden infront of it. The different types of flower and leaves enticed you. And the smell, oh the smell of freshness and flowers mixed together soothed your soul.

Lukas welcomed you in and gave each one of you a pair of pantofle saying that it's a must

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Lukas welcomed you in and gave each one of you a pair of pantofle saying that it's a must. Even if you have socks on, you should still wear it.

He walked you towards a dinning area that's decorated with woods. Wooden table, wooden chair and even some of the bowls are wooden too. It amazed you how eco friendly looking the place is. It actually feels like a rest house.

The type of place you'd stay in to not do anything. To just rest not just your body but also your mind.

 To just rest not just your body but also your mind

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"Wow. You have a really nice place" you said to the man who's smile has never fade since he saw Taehyung.

"Yeah. It's more beautiful than the last time I came here, prítel." Taehyung said

Yoongi. What's pritel?

Yoongi leaned to your ears then said "It's Czech for friend" making you ah in understandment. New word acquired!

Lukas thanked you for your kind words, as he said it. Then left you to cook, you think. Everyone was silent for a moment when you remembered the stranger from the alley.

"So guys, do you think he or she is someone like you too?"

"Possible. Or he or she can just run fast. Really fast." Jungkook answered

"Do you remember something about the person? Any detail that caught your attention?" Jimin inquired.

You shook your head "It's too far to see anything aside from he or she is smoking.."

"Hmm. Is there a possibility that it just happened to look at you then smirked? You know, like flirting." Taehyung suggested making Yoongi arched an eyebrow.

"No. I don't think so. There's something about that person. I felt it.." You said

"Felt what princess?" Yoongi asked while playing with your hair.

"I can't explain it in words. I just felt something.. It's weird."

You tried to think of the feeling again, you just can't put it into words. It's like your soul was electrified and the plug was the stranger. There's some kind of a connection between you two.

But what could it be?

Who could that person be?

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