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"Why the hell are we on the airport?" You asked with your eyes wide as Yoongi parked his car on the parking lot.

"Going to our date." Yoongi replied casually

"Right.. so our date is.. inside the airport?" Lines forming between your eyebrows

"Just, trust me princess." He said with a smile then took your hand to his.


And that's how you found yourself sitting on the window seat in the business class area of the plane. Going to who knows where because your boyfriend still wouldn't tell you and whenever the passengers, crew or the pilot says the destinations, he flicks his fingers, making the words inaudible.

He usually don't use his powers on something as small as this, but he really wanted to surprise you, to woo you, to sweep you off your feet. To say that he's not threatened by the sudden appearance of a man that coincidentally is a warlock too and literally had a history with you would be a lie.

He saw the way the things you learned affected you. He saw how confused you are, but he also saw how badly you wanted to know everything there is to know.

Because if he was in your shoes, he would want the same too.

That's why he planned this mini vacation since it's a long weekend for the both of you, Monday and Tuesday was announced as holidays so you won't be needing to attend to work. Perfect time to get away from everything and everyone, for a little peace of mind.

Just before landing, the sun cast its golden rays down upon the clouds of billowing smoke, turning them orange-y with hues of pinks making you sigh in awe. With a smile on your face, you decided to let all your worries go. You decided to just enjoy this trip, no matter where you're going.


"HAWAII? We're in Hawaii?!" You feel a little disoriented, dizzy and a little giddy that you wanted to lay on the ground and bounce from where you're standing at the same time. Just a few hours ago you were at your house. Now, you're in a freaking summer paradise, for a first date.

Makes you think where he'll be taking you on the second one.

He grabbed your hand then walked towards the arrival area where stood a buffed man in black floral top and a black pants who's holding a paper with a fancy shmancy "Welcome to hawaii Mr & Mrs. Min" written on it.

You snapped your head towards Yoongi with your brow arched "Mr... and Mrs... Min?"

"I may or may have not informed them I am going on a trip with my other half , My woman.

And.. I can see that they took it quite literally."

His eyes twinkling, he even asked for the piece of paper as a souvenir and put it inside his carry on bag immediately.

The guy who fetched you at the airport turns out to be your private tour guid for the trip named Bruce.

He was actually a free spirited guy that by the time he drove you to the nearest mall to buy your stuff that you need, he made you and Yoongi his friends.

After buying some clothes, swimwear, sunblock and a little snacks and drinks for your 3 days and 2 nights trip, Bruce drove you to the hotel you'll be staying while planning for tomorrow's fun filled itinerary.

Being famished by the time you arrived at the hotel, you two bid Bruce farewell and went directly to the restaurant. Not caring if you both are still holding shopping bags that Yoongi insisted on paying.

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