Memory Lane

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Darkness.. Totally.. Utterly.. Darkness.

Am I dead?

Your eyes are open but you can't see anything. You can feel your heart beating steady so you placed your hands to your chest, holding on to something..anything that makes you feel alive. You also noticed that your feet is on a flat surface making you know you're standing.

The only thing you can hear is your breathing. Inhale... exhale.. inhale... exhale..

That is until a low raspy melodic not to mention, vaguely familiar voice of a man called your name.

At first you thought you're just hearing things. But the voice called you again, and again, and again like it wants you to come to him. And so you did.

You walk slowly and gently towards the voice.

And when you arrived at the source, you saw smokes. Yes, smokes in the dark.

How in the world?

Then you heard chuckles.

"We finally met again Y/N." The alluring voice said

"Uh.. technically speaking, I can't see you. So nope. I think we still haven't met."

"Still a smart ass. I see." The voice said, sounding amused


"Who are you?" You whispered

"Now. That won't be so fun if I just tell you my name, isn't it? Let me show you Y/N. Let me remind you."

"Oh-kay?" You answered. Then a hand touched yours making you squeal.

"Sshhh. It's just me. Now close your eyes and focus on my voice."

"Uh. What the difference? I can't see with my eyes open. Why bother." You know you should be scared, but the sassiness just flows out of you naturally.

The guy chuckled at what you said then said in a stern voice "Just follow my instructions. Y/N"


You closed you eyes, then he begun to say something that sounded like a mantra or a spell. Or he's just saying bullcraps, since you don't know anything much about magics anyway. Aside from your friend's powers that is.

He continued.

When you opened your eyes, you're infront of the clock again. You looked around to see where the boys are but they're nowhere to be found and what you saw confused you even more.

The people are wearing something that looks like costumes. Some gentlemen are in a robe with a leotard looking bottom and..

Are those rumplestilksin shoes?

While some are in a long sleeved top, the leotard pants and a cape, looking like Robin Hood.

Uh.. is there some kind of a festival happening right now?

The ladies are in linen clothings that reach to the ground, it looked layered. Some of them even wore weird looking veil on their head.

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