The Queen

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You look at the four with tears threatening to fall from your eyes.

I thought I'd never see you again

Yoongi looked at you softly but then walked towards the Queen instead of going to you.

Whilst Taehyung and Jungkook immediately went to your aid, helping you stand on your feet.

"This would be a stupid thing to say on this situation but.. are you okay Noona?" Taehyung asked while searching your face for any wounds or bruises.

You nodded your head to him.

You're technically fine, aside from the numbness of your back that surely will hurt later.

"This is even a more stupid thing to say, but damn.. you look great in this dress Noona." Jungkook the ever joker said, trying to lighten up the mood.

You heard a high pitched evil laugh making you snap your head towards the other three.

The Queen was looking at Yoongi furiously "We finally met, Min Yoongi."

Which he answered monotonously "Not gonna say I'm pleased to, your highness."

"You lowlife warlock!"

Her face turned to a snarl again. She then twirled her hands, suddenly the water grasped Yoongi and threw him hard on the ground making him groan.

You were about to run towards him when you felt hands holding you back then Jungkook whispered to your ears "Stop it Noona. Just, trust us okay? We'll get out of here safe. All of us.. I promise."

You hesitantly obliged, surely they have a plan right? But you couldn't help to ask "Why aren't you doing anything? Why is Jimin just standing there?"

"To keep everyone safe." Taehyung answered.

As Yoongi was about to stand on his feet, the Queen twirled her fingers again. Then Yoongi was thrown to the wall, making you gasp.

Defend yourself Yoongi! Please!

He looked at you then shook his head gently whilst slowly kneeling.

He glance back at the Queen

"My deepest apologies and condolences about you brother, your highness. Know that I wouldn't have done it if there was another way to stop him." He started

"How dare you.. After you killed him? You think that would be a reason enough?!" She basically growled then flicked her fingers

This time instead of Yoongi. You were push by the waters towards her.

She immediately held your throat when you reached her and said "I changed my mind.. maybe it's better for you to feel the loss that I'm feeling." then smirked

Go Yoongi! Save yourself and your brothers. Leave now! Please!

Her hand slowly tightening on your throat but what Yoongi said made her pause.

"He was luring innocent ladies to the sea, where he kills them. He's harboring black magic, your highness. He's been planning to throw you out of the throne and make this entire kingdom as dark as it can be. I've known this long enough, I just didn't feel the need to do something with it because he is in your realm, he's yours to punished.. But then he laid a finger on the person I cherish.."

Her eyes grew wide, her lips started to quiver "And why would I believe you?"

Yoongi then stood up then raised his right hand "I swear the supernatural oath that everything we'll be showing you had happened. Not a single thing had been altered."

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