3 idiots

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You woke up the next morning with a jolt. You heard panting, groans and stuff falling. Your hands suddenly felt sweaty, heart beating faster and faster. Only one thing came to your mind.

They found you.

You immediately stood up to look for something, anything to use as a weapon making you glance at the lamp, again. That's the most dangerous portable thing in the room so you took the plug out and held it as a bat again.

You walked slowly and as you were about to opened the door when reality hit you. You're able to stand up, walk, basically do normal stuff without anything hurting. You browse your arms, even your bruises are gone.

Wow. Magic. Literally.

You then opened the door slowly, making sure the intruder/s won't see you. When you saw a guy with ashly blonde hair and a wide back pinning Jungkook down the floor, you ran towards them without any hesitation and hit the guy with maximum force in the head.

Just like Jungkook saved you the other day, you wanted to do the same for him. Even though you probably don't have a chance with winning over the blonde guy. But you tried, for Kookie.

You sighed in relief when the guy slumped down on Jungkook right after you hit him. You push the slumped body to the side without looking at his face because who cares, he's an enemy. Who would want an additional face in their nightmares? Definitely not you.

Jungkook was stunned for a moment, making you thought that the guy really gave him a hard time before you *cough* came and save *cough* his ass.

"Are you okay?" You asked while helping him to stand on his feet.

He rapidly blinked for a few seconds then shouted "What the heck Noona?!"

"Why? Why?! Did I accidentally hit you too?" You asked while searching his face, moving it left to right to see any cuts.

He closed his eyes then shook his head "Oh Noona.." He said in a tone that made you feel like you made a mistake. But you just saved him.

You heard the door to the shower room opened, then foosteps followed, walking towards the two of you.

"What the hell? Why is he on the floor?" Yoongi cocked his head to the side.

Uh oh

Then you heard the door to one of the other rooms opened followed by a yawn "What happened? Why is it so noisy in the morn- What is he doing there?" Jimin asked, brows furrowing.

"Guess your play fight turned a little rough eh?" Yoongi said, shrugging his arms like it's perfectly normal.

Jungkook's eyes suddenly twinkled, his lips twitching side to side. "Oh it's not me who knocked him out."

You gulped. Finally grasping the situation.

"Then wh- ." Yoongi didn't even finished what he's saying when you look at you. Then said "Oh."

Jimin tapped his foot "Mind to fill me in guys?"

"Oh. With pleasure hyung." Jungkook answered. You didn't realize that you're fidgeting with your pajama top until Yoongi touch your hands.

They laid the unknown man to the sofa first while you're still not giving the unconscious man a glance, you were too embarassed to do that. Then you all gathered at the dining area.

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